Time Warp Level Two

Earned On Team Name
7/22/2017 Nicky Monson and Jasper
5/11/2019 Leap'n Legacy
11/17/2019 Tim Pieplow and Mila
8/16/2020 Krzysztof Niedolistek and Lena
9/20/2020 Laura Krasowska and Last
2/6/2021 Jack Fahle and Ferris
6/13/2021 Bill Pinder and Brechin
7/17/2021 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
12/19/2021 Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn)
10/15/2022 Anything but Zen
8/6/2023 Basia Betlej and Trosia
10/1/2023 Lidia Krysztofiak and Chilli
3/16/2024 Anja Evans and Nike
4/28/2024 Agata Wodzińska and Łisio