Time Warp Level Two

Earned On Team Name
7/21/2018 Ewa Kiryk and Flicka
10/21/2018 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
7/6/2019 The Brew Crew Griffin
8/4/2019 EWA KIRYK and Pojke
9/15/2019 Agnieszka Guba and Nai
10/19/2019 Tim Pieplow and Maisey
6/6/2022 Team Mischief
3/26/2023 Just Throw It! (I'll do the rest)
6/4/2023 Patrycja Hermińska and Winnie
6/4/2023 Agata Wodzińska and Elsil
7/16/2023 Joanna Korbal and Navi
7/16/2023 Nina Kusiak and LYCHEE
9/3/2023 WIKTORIA ŚWITOŃ and Bellamy
10/1/2023 Magdalena Stasiak and Mika
3/24/2024 Bear Down
4/28/2024 Żaklina Michalczuk and Nacho