Boom Level One

Earned On Team Name
7/23/2022 Happy Idiots
7/30/2022 Jack Fahle and Spice
9/10/2022 Melissa Farion and Tess
9/11/2022 Leonard
9/11/2022 Tori and Scylla
10/22/2022 Ilene Fischman and Micki
10/22/2022 Happy Idiots
10/25/2022 A Little Sumthin' Extry
11/6/2022 Sara Scott and Ullar
11/26/2022 #LifeWithRivet
1/22/2023 Knights of Ren
2/25/2023 Fair Warning
3/25/2023 Hot off the start
3/25/2023 Jordyn + Nitro
4/27/2023 East India Trading Company
5/7/2023 Psycho Suzi
5/28/2023 Somethin’s Bruin
5/28/2023 Spoo-Artemis
6/4/2023 Tammy Bonas and Tac
6/9/2023 Knights of Ren
7/2/2023 The Blue Blur
7/8/2023 #LifeWithRivet
7/13/2023 Team Lynn and Disc Jockey
7/18/2023 You Got Plan Darling?
7/20/2023 Team Pancake
7/22/2023 Flying WonkyHead
7/22/2023 Allison Marsh and Phierce
7/23/2023 #LifeWithRivet
7/23/2023 A Little Sumthin' Extry
7/23/2023 Finley Shryock Taylor  and Tipsy 
8/4/2023 Athena - Wisdom is Power
8/9/2023 Not Your Average Alien
8/19/2023 Chipster The Hipster
8/23/2023 Spoo-Artemis
9/3/2023 Mark Ambuhl and Zip
9/3/2023 Magdalena Stasiak and Rio
9/12/2023 Spoo-Artemis
9/16/2023 Dale Johnston and Riley
9/17/2023 Team Splish Splash
9/17/2023 Robin and Rigby
9/23/2023 Corey + Anya
9/30/2023 Fly by Night
9/30/2023 The Blue Blur
10/7/2023 Spoo-Artemis
10/11/2023 Prancing Pony Boy
10/14/2023 Donna Schoech and Khaoz
10/15/2023 Sneak Attack!
10/15/2023 Stuck in the upside down
10/29/2023 Dale McElrath and Williow
11/4/2023 Marty McSexy
11/8/2023 Ice Cream SHAMwich For Me Plz
11/26/2023 Knights of Ren
12/31/2023 Yeti For Anything
2/24/2024 Just a Small Town Girl
2/24/2024 Team Let it Rip!!
3/16/2024 Happy Idiots
4/14/2024 Team Lynn and Dilly Dilly
4/14/2024 Megan Taris and Remix
4/28/2024 Blame it on Rico
5/4/2024 Tyler Myers and Citrus
5/13/2024 Psych Ward
5/13/2024 Flying Meatball
5/19/2024 Ice Cream SHAMwich For Me Plz