Time Warp Level Two

Earned On Team Name
9/15/2017 Action Jackson
9/30/2017 Nicky Monson and Jasper
9/30/2017 The Brew Crew Griffin
4/21/2018 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
4/29/2018 Joanna Korbal and Lorie
5/26/2018 The Brew Crew Griffin
6/16/2018 The Brew Crew Griffin
2/9/2019 Jack Fahle and Ferris
7/21/2019 Leap'n Legacy
7/21/2019 The Brew Crew Rusty
9/15/2019 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
9/28/2019 Superpoof
8/2/2020 Joanna Korbal and Delta
8/30/2020 Oliwia Pieczewska and Milo
8/30/2020 Oliwia Pieczewska and Milo
11/15/2020 Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep
2/12/2023 Shonna Sale and Etch-A-Sketch
4/15/2023 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
4/28/2024 Albert Nowakowski and Iwonka