Time Warp Level One

This data excludes non-actiavted teams and rounds marked as FEO

Rank Team Total Points Best Round Total Rounds Avg. Points
101 FitzGility 719.00 52.00 38 18.92
102 Melanie Raessler and Prank 715.00 73.00 27 26.48
103 Kris Iverson and Ruby 715.00 57.00 25 28.60
104 Gary Duke and Moss 707.00 85.00 16 44.19
105 Spring Board 707.00 77.00 21 33.67
106 Funkaholics 705.00 55.00 39 18.08
107 Old Woman and her Dog 698.00 61.00 22 31.73
108 Tim Pieplow and Mila 698.00 64.00 22 31.73
109 Infinite Jest 693.00 77.00 16 43.31
110 Barbie Dog 691.00 56.00 16 43.19
111 Team Space Wolf 687.00 80.00 18 38.17
112 The Golden Girls 675.00 65.00 22 30.68
113 Mystborn 671.07 62.00 21 31.96
114 Sam Smith and Briar Rose 665.00 80.00 10 66.50
115 Barbie Collie and Ken 664.00 75.00 13 51.08
116 Mavis Mayhem 659.00 83.00 10 65.90
117 Talk Herdy To Me 659.00 80.00 14 47.07
118 Spice Up Your Life! - Allison and Spice 656.00 86.00 16 41.00
119 Sexybeast 654.00 68.00 16 40.88
120 Billy the Kid & Pat 650.00 70.00 21 30.95
121 High Flyin' Hoopla 647.00 63.00 18 35.94
122 Don't Blink 644.00 72.00 21 30.67
123 Border Colliers (Chris & Twist) 640.00 88.00 11 58.18
124 A Little Sumthin' Extry 639.00 81.00 18 35.50
125 Epically Baussome 637.00 74.00 14 45.50