Anniston, AL, US


Boom Level One - 2 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Trash Can, Not Trash Cannot 1 18.00
Jonathan Roberts And The Trout 1 5.00

Four Way Play Level One - 9 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Trash Can, Not Trash Cannot Single Quad 1 19.00
Get Buck't Up! Highroller, Single Quad 2 19.00
The Bow-Wow Besties Highroller, Single Quad 2 19.00
Trash Can, Not Trash Cannot Single Quad 2 12.00
Get Buck't Up! Bronze UP, Single Quad 1 10.00
Katie Doomy and Chowder 1 9.00
Katie Doomy and Chowder 2 9.00
Jonathan Roberts And The Trout 1 7.00
The Bow-Wow Besties 1 7.00

Frizgility Level One - 7 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
The Bow-Wow Besties Bronze UP, Centurion 2 100.00
Trash Can, Not Trash Cannot Nifty Fifty 1 83.00
The Bow-Wow Besties Nifty Fifty 1 80.00
Katie Doomy and Trash Nifty Fifty 1 58.00
Katie Doomy and Chowder 1 48.00
Trash Can, Not Trash Cannot Gold UP, Level UP 2 46.00
Locked-n-Loaded 1 43.00