Ballground, GA, US - Bite Club


Time Warp Level One - 19 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Ashley and Jack McFly 1 70.00
Arrington Leitch and Lotti Golden Receiver, Highroller, McFly, Rolling Thunder 2 66.00
Diamond in the Ruff Kohl with Ana McFly 1 61.00
Ashley Gnagey and Daisy Duck McFly 1 56.00
Ashley Gnagey and Daisy Duck Wylde Stallyns 2 54.00
Bethan Mier and Cai Golden Receiver, Highroller, Wylde Stallyns 1 54.00
Bethan Mier and Cai Highroller, Wylde Stallyns 2 45.00
Diamond in the Ruff Kohl with Ana Golden Receiver, Tardis 2 42.00
Ashley and Jack Tardis 2 41.00
Ronnie Kessler and Charlee Bronze UP, Tardis 1 41.00
Ronnie Kessler and Charlee Tardis 2 40.00
Wyatt Head and Oz Tardis 2 28.00
Lucky Penny Pinot and Ana Bronze UP, Tardis 1 23.00
Lucky Penny Pinot and Ana Tardis 2 18.00
To Infinity and Beyond, Buzz with David 1 15.00
Paula and Scarlet Begonia 1 15.00
Paula and Scarlet Begonia 2 10.00
To Infinity and Beyond, Buzz with David 2 10.00
Arrington Leitch and Lotti Golden Receiver 1 5.00