Caseyville, IL, US


Four Way Play Level One - 20 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Dog on a String Double Quad, Silver UP 1 28.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Eden Double Quad, Gold UP, Level Up 1 26.00
Chaotic Energy Double Quad 1 25.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Flair Double Quad 2 24.00
Team Spree Double Quad, Double Quad UP 1 22.00
Jessica Mattan and Famous Double Quad, Double Quad UP, Silver UP 1 20.00
Dog on a String Double Quad, Double Quad UP 2 20.00
Blake Mattan and Vision Silver UP, Single Quad, Single Quad UP 1 20.00
Aslyn Estill and Cato Single Quad 1 19.00
Luney Tunes Single Quad 1 19.00
Bailey Banaszek and Asta Single Quad 2 17.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Flair Single Quad 1 17.00
Bad Witches Club Bronze UP, Single Quad 1 17.00
James Olvitt and Zoey Single Quad 1 16.00
Blake Mattan and Nimbus Silver UP, Single Quad 1 16.00
Bailey Banaszek and Asta Single Quad 1 15.00
Jessica Mattan and Fortune Single Quad 1 12.00
Aslyn Estill and Foggy Bottom's Here For The Parti @Solo-k 1 11.00
Soko’s Burning Ember Single Quad 1 10.00
Aslyn Estill and Foggy Bottom's Here For The Parti @Solo-k 2 9.00

Throw N Go Level One - 25 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Jessica Rodrigues and Fate Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 41.00
Team Spree Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 2 37.00
Chaotic Energy Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 35.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Eden Golden Receiver, Low Five, Silver UP 1 31.00
Aslyn Estill and Cato Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 2 30.00
Luney Tunes Bronze UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter UP 1 29.00
Soko’s Burning Ember Low Five 1 26.00
Blake Mattan and Nimbus Low Five 1 26.00
Dog on a String Low Five 1 26.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Flair 1 24.00
Jessica Noll and Freya Sharpshooter 1 24.00
Team Spree Gold UP, Level UP 1 22.00
Bailey Banaszek and Asta 1 21.00
Dog on a String 2 20.00
Jessica Mattan and Fortune 1 19.00
Aslyn Estill and Cato 1 16.00
Blake Mattan and Vision 1 16.00
Bailey Banaszek and Asta 2 12.00
Aslyn Estill and Foggy Bottom's Here For The Parti @Solo-k Highroller 2 12.00
Team Zoey 2 12.00
Team Zoey 1 10.00
Blake Mattan and Vision 2 8.00
Jessica Mattan and Famous 1 6.00
Aslyn Estill and Foggy Bottom's Here For The Parti @Solo-k 1 6.00
Jessica Mattan and Famous 2 6.00

Time Warp Level One - 20 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Jessica Rodrigues and Flair Golden Receiver, McFly 1 71.00
Team Spree Golden Receiver, McFly, Silver UP 1 67.00
Chaotic Energy McFly 1 67.00
Jessica Mattan and Famous Bronze UP, McFly, McFly UP 1 66.00
Dog on a String McFly 1 62.00
Aslyn Estill and Cato Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, McFly 1 59.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Fate Wylde Stallyns 2 53.00
Soko’s Burning Ember Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 2 49.00
Dog on a String Wylde Stallyns 2 49.00
Blake Mattan and Vision Bronze UP, Wylde Stallyns 1 47.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Fate Tardis 1 38.00
Bailey Banaszek and Asta Tardis 1 32.00
Jessica Rodrigues and Eden Silver UP, Tardis 1 28.00
Team Zoey Tardis 1 19.00
Luney Tunes 1 15.00
Soko’s Burning Ember 1 15.00
Bailey Banaszek and Asta 2 15.00
Jessica Mattan and Fortune 1 10.00
Bad Witches Club 1 10.00
Blake Mattan and Nimbus Bronze UP 1 10.00