Dacula, GA, US


Boom Level One - 13 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Taylor Mundal and Evie 1 21.00
Briana Reddick and The Force šŸŖ 1 20.00
Daniel Bene and Rise 1 19.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente šŸ”„ 1 15.00
Daniel and Theory 1 13.00
Taylor Mundal and Nome 1 10.00
Abby and Pan 1 8.00
Emily Allred and Cosworth 1 8.00
Whip It Good 1 5.00
Petronella Payne and Lily Belle 1 5.00
Abby and Molly 1 5.00
Whatley Farmdog 1 3.00
Emily Meredith and Alaric 1 3.00

Greedy Level One - 23 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Taylor Mundal and Evie Yuppy 1 41.00
Maggie Fan and Trio Yuppy 1 33.00
Taylor Mundal and Indie Yuppy 1 32.00
Maggie Fan and Ziva Yuppy 1 30.00
Unexpected Rebounds Yuppy 1 30.00
Hot Cross BAUSS Yuppy 1 29.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente šŸ”„ Silver UP, Yuppy 1 26.00
Maggie Fan and Icon Penny Pincher 1 23.00
Whip It Good Penny Pincher 1 22.00
Daniel Bene and Rise Penny Pincher 1 21.00
Jennifer Ellis and CF Isabelle Penny Pincher 1 19.00
Daniel and Theory Penny Pincher 1 19.00
Ryan Murray and Renegade Penny Pincher 1 17.00
Abby and Pan Penny Pincher 1 14.00
Emily Meredith and Alaric Tightwad 1 10.00
Abby and Molly Tightwad 1 10.00
Project Stardust Tightwad 1 10.00
Chocolate Pup Pastry Tightwad 1 10.00
Cowabunga! Tightwad 1 5.00
Briana Reddick and The Force šŸŖ Tightwad 1 4.00
The Raisin Alliance Scrooged 1 0.00
Whatley Farmdog Scrooged 1 0.00
Petronella Payne and Lily Belle Scrooged 1 0.00

Pairs Throw N Go Level One - 4 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Leave the Gun, Take the Bun Low Five 1 29.00
It Takes A Village 1 18.00
Laura Miller, Melissa Nunnink and Whatley 1 14.00
Emily Allred, Alex Nolte and Captain Eo 1 14.00

Spaced Out Level One - 21 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Daniel Bene and Rise Centurion 1 100.00
Taylor Mundal and Evie Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 95.00
Daniel and Theory Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Petronella Payne and Lily Belle Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Abby and Pan Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Fast and Feral Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Briana Reddick and The Force šŸŖ Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Whip It Good Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Jennifer Ellis and CF Isabelle Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 50.00
Bun-zuh! 1 45.00
Maggie Fan and Trio 1 30.00
Whatley Farmdog Silver UP 1 20.00
Hot Cross BAUSS 1 20.00
Maggie Fan and Ziva 1 15.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente šŸ”„ 1 15.00
Cowabunga! 1 15.00
Emily Meredith and Alaric 1 15.00
Ryan Murray and Renegade 1 15.00
Maggie Fan and Icon 1 10.00
Abby and Molly 1 10.00
Taylor Mundal and Nome 1 10.00

Spaced Out Level Two - 1 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Unexpected Rebounds 1 70.00

Throw N Go Level One - 25 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Whatley Farmdog Gold UP, Level UP, Low Five, Low Five UP, Sharpshooter 1 37.00
Taylor Mundal and Evie Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
Taylor Mundal and Indie Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 33.00
Hot Cross BAUSS Golden Receiver, Low Five, Super Highroller 1 28.00
Bun-zuh! Low Five 1 28.00
Ryan Murray and Renegade 1 24.00
Emily Meredith and Alaric 1 22.00
Whip It Good 1 20.00
Taylor Mundal and Nome Silver UP 1 19.00
Abby and Pan 1 18.00
Daniel Bene and Rise 1 18.00
Chocolate Pup Pastry Highroller 1 13.00
The Raisin Alliance 1 13.00
Abby and Molly Bronze UP 1 12.00
Gouda Time! 1 12.00
Petronella Payne and Lily Belle 1 8.00
Becky and All-the-Lā€™s Lilly Platinum UP 1 7.00
Fast and Feral 1 6.00
Cowabunga! 1 6.00
Daniel and Theory 1 6.00
Emily Allred and Cosworth 1 5.00
Mouth Of the South 1 0.00
Alex Mathis and Cali 1 0.00
Emily Allred and Rhubarb 1 0.00
Project Stardust 1 0.00

Throw N Go Level Two - 3 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Briana Reddick and Caliente šŸ”„ 1 49.00
Briana Reddick and The Force šŸŖ 1 19.00
Unexpected Rebounds 1 11.00

Time Warp Level One - 26 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Daniel Bene and Rise Golden Receiver, Platinum UP, Terminator 1 88.00
Taylor Mundal and Evie Platinum UP, Terminator 1 77.00
Hot Cross BAUSS Gold UP, Golden Receiver, Level UP, McFly 1 72.00
Bun-zuh! Bronze UP, McFly 1 70.00
Daniel and Theory McFly, Silver UP 1 59.00
Maggie Fan and Ziva Tardis 1 41.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente šŸ”„ Tardis 1 41.00
Maggie Fan and Trio Tardis 1 41.00
Briana Reddick and The Force šŸŖ Tardis, Unobtanium UP 1 32.00
Taylor Mundal and Nome Bronze UP, Tardis 1 30.00
Alex Mathis and Cali Tardis 1 28.00
Whatley Farmdog Tardis, Tardis UP 1 25.00
Alex Nolte and Jyn Tardis 1 24.00
Fast and Feral Tardis, Tardis UP 1 19.00
Taylor Mundal and Indie Tardis 1 17.00
Maggie Fan and Icon 1 15.00
Petronella Payne and Lily Belle 1 15.00
Jennifer Ellis and CF Isabelle 1 15.00
Emily Meredith and Alaric 1 15.00
Whip It Good 1 10.00
Gouda Time! 1 10.00
Abby and Molly 1 10.00
Becky and All-the-Lā€™s Lilly 1 10.00
Cowabunga! 1 10.00
Abby and Pan 1 5.00
Ryan Murray and Renegade 1 5.00

Time Warp Level Two - 1 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Unexpected Rebounds 1 10.00