Florenceville-Bristol. NB, CA - Bite Club - Carleton County Cyclones


Greedy Level One - 8 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Seasonly in Style Yuppy 1 40.00
Brenda Kilfoil and Toby Yuppy 1 29.00
Figment of Your Imagination Yuppy 1 26.00
Mark Kenneson and Stella Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Ocean State Virginia Tightwad 1 10.00
Premium High Test GaS Tightwad 1 6.00
Mark Kenneson and Zola Tightwad 1 6.00
Alex Kenneson and Zola Tightwad 1 5.00

Time Warp Level One - 7 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Figment of Your Imagination Bronze UP, Golden Receiver, McFly 1 71.00
Mark Kenneson and Stella Highroller, Tardis 1 33.00
Seasonly in Style Highroller, Highroller UP, Tardis 1 29.00
Seasonly in Style Tardis, Tardis UP 1 26.00
Brenda Kilfoil and Toby 1 10.00
Alex Kenneson and Zola 1 5.00
Ocean State Virginia 1 0.00