Graham, NC, US


Far Out Level One - 25 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Willard Radimer and Finley 1 110.00
Dale McElrath and Curve Centurion, Highroller 1 108.00
Good Dawg Centurion 1 103.00
The Intimidators #DoItForDale Nifty Fifty 1 93.00
Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn) Nifty Fifty 1 87.00
Dale McElrath and Volt Nifty Fifty 1 85.00
zChocodile Dundee Nifty Fifty 1 84.00
Tim Lake and Allura Nifty Fifty 1 82.00
CJ and Jilleroo Nifty Fifty 1 79.00
CJ and Crikey Nifty Fifty 1 71.00
Tammy Bonas and Tac Nifty Fifty 1 69.00
Alison Mitchell and Shyne Nifty Fifty 1 68.00
Sam Loves All the Sports Nifty Fifty 1 65.00
Leonard Nifty Fifty 1 65.00
IzzyGator Nifty Fifty, The Flutie 1 61.00
Pinsch Me! Nifty Fifty 1 59.00
Melanie Kernor and Earnhardt Nifty Fifty 1 51.00
Melanie Kernor and Allura 1 47.00
Jack Smellington 1 47.00
CJ and Crackle 1 30.00
Bitey Squirrel 1 25.00
Alison Mitchell and Apache 1 22.00
Alison Mitchell and Holly 1 11.00
Beth Grooms and AJ 1 11.00
Seven Up 1 0.00

Four Way Play Level One - 32 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn) Double Quad 1 29.00
CJ and Crikey Double Quad, Double Quad UP 1 24.00
IndiGO Paxasaurus Rex Double Quad 1 23.00
Leonard Double Quad, Double Quad UP, Silver UP 1 22.00
zChocodile Dundee Double Quad 1 20.00
IndiGO Hawkman Double Quad 1 20.00
Melanie Kernor and Allura Gold UP, Level Up, Single Quad 1 20.00
Willard Radimer and Finley 1 19.00
IzzyGator Single Quad 1 19.00
Adriana Nottestad and Gambit Single Quad 1 18.00
Adriana Nottestad and Ciri Single Quad 1 18.00
Tim Lake and Allura Single Quad 1 17.00
Dale McElrath and Volt Single Quad 1 17.00
Alison Mitchell and Shyne Single Quad 1 16.00
Sam Loves All the Sports Single Quad 1 16.00
The Intimidators #DoItForDale Single Quad 1 15.00
CJ and Jilleroo Single Quad 1 15.00
Melanie Kernor and Earnhardt Single Quad 1 14.00
Alison Mitchell and Apache Single Quad 1 14.00
Alison Mitchell and Holly Single Quad 1 12.00
Bitey Squirrel Single Quad, Unobtanium UP 1 11.00
Beth Grooms and AJ 1 11.00
Tammy Bonas and Tac Single Quad 1 10.00
Seven Up 1 9.00
CJ and Crackle 1 9.00
Pinsch Me! 1 9.00
Bill Lawrence and Curly 1 8.00
Nancy Harrison and Cruz 1 7.00
Team Nocked and Locked 1 7.00
Nancy Harrison and Eli 1 7.00
Good Dawg 1 6.00
Stephanie Kennerley and Keena 1 4.00

Frizgility Level One - 22 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Adriana Nottestad and Ciri Bronze UP, Frizgility Freak, Frizgility Freak UP, Speedy Feet 1 130.00
Leonard Frizgility Freak, Frizgility Freak UP, High Five, Speedy Feet, Speedy Feet UP 1 128.00
zChocodile Dundee Frizgility Freak, Speedy Feet 1 125.00
Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn) Centurion, Gold UP, Level UP, Speedy Feet, Speedy Feet UP 1 115.00
IndiGO Paxasaurus Rex Centurion, Centurion UP 1 113.00
CJ and Crikey Centurion, Speedy Feet 1 110.00
IzzyGator Centurion, Gold UP, Level UP, Speedy Feet 1 110.00
Adriana Nottestad and Gambit Centurion 1 105.00
Sam Loves All the Sports Nifty Fifty 1 90.00
Willard Radimer and Finley 1 85.00
Dale McElrath and Curve Nifty Fifty 1 85.00
Nancy Harrison and Eli Nifty Fifty 1 83.00
Pinsch Me! Nifty Fifty 1 80.00
Tammy Bonas and Tac Nifty Fifty 1 80.00
IndiGO Hawkman Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 79.00
Nancy Harrison and Cruz Nifty Fifty 1 73.00
Alison Mitchell and Shyne Nifty Fifty 1 73.00
Bitey Squirrel Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
Alison Mitchell and Apache Nifty Fifty 1 66.00
Team Nocked and Locked 1 40.00
Tammy Bonas and Bryndi 1 40.00
Seven Up 1 35.00

Greedy Level One - 25 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
CJ and Crikey Yuppy 1 38.00
Willard Radimer and Finley 1 33.00
Melanie Kernor and Earnhardt Yuppy 1 32.00
Melanie Kernor and Allura Bronze UP, Yuppy 1 32.00
IndiGO Hawkman Bronze UP, Yuppy 1 29.00
IzzyGator Bronze UP, Yuppy 1 29.00
The Intimidators #DoItForDale Yuppy 1 27.00
Leonard Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Adriana Nottestad and Ciri Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Seven Up Penny Pincher 1 24.00
IndiGO Paxasaurus Rex Bronze UP, Penny Pincher 1 24.00
CJ and Jilleroo Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Bitey Squirrel Penny Pincher 1 24.00
CJ and Crackle Penny Pincher 1 19.00
Dale McElrath and Volt Tightwad 1 10.00
Beth Grooms and AJ Tightwad 1 10.00
Nancy Harrison and Cruz Tightwad 1 10.00
zChocodile Dundee Tightwad 1 7.00
Tim Lake and Allura Tightwad 1 5.00
Good Dawg Tightwad 1 4.00
Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn) Scrooged 1 0.00
Adriana Nottestad and Gambit Scrooged 1 0.00
Pinsch Me! Scrooged 1 0.00
Nancy Harrison and Eli Scrooged 1 0.00
Sam Loves All the Sports Scrooged 1 0.00

Throw N Go Level One - 32 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn) Golden Receiver, High Five, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter UP 1 65.00
Leonard Low Five, Low Five UP, Sharpshooter, Silver UP 1 45.00
Chris Echard and Rocket Wodan Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 39.00
zChocodile Dundee Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
Melanie Kernor and Earnhardt Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter, Super Highroller 1 34.00
Tammy Bonas and Tac Low Five 1 34.00
Willard Radimer and Finley 1 33.00
Team Nocked and Locked Golden Receiver, Low Five 1 30.00
Dale McElrath and Volt Low Five 1 30.00
Melanie Kernor and Allura Low Five 1 29.00
CJ and Crikey Gold UP, Level UP, Low Five, Low Five UP, Super Highroller 1 26.00
Dale McElrath and Curve Bronze UP, Low Five, Super Highroller 1 26.00
The Intimidators #DoItForDale Super Highroller 1 24.00
Nancy Harrison and Eli 1 18.00
CJ and Jilleroo 1 18.00
Jack Smellington Highroller 1 17.00
Sam Loves All the Sports 1 16.00
Todd Grooms and Samantha's Calm Before The Storm 1 15.00
Seven Up 1 14.00
CJ and Crackle Highroller 1 12.00
Bill Lawrence and Curly 1 12.00
Tim Lake and Allura 1 12.00
Alison Mitchell and Shyne 1 11.00
Nancy Harrison and Cruz 1 9.00
Stephanie Kennerley and Keena 1 8.00
Alison Mitchell and Holly 1 8.00
Good Dawg 1 8.00
Beth Grooms and AJ 1 6.00
Pinsch Me! 1 6.00
Alison Mitchell and Apache 1 3.00
Tammy Bonas and Bryndi 1 0.00
IzzyGator 1 0.00

Throw N Go Level Two - 2 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn) Bronze UP 1 65.00
Dale McElrath and Volt 1 30.00