Greer, SC, US


Far Out Level One - 18 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Blake and Dancy Paws Highroller, Mile High UP, Mile High UP, Moon Doggie, Moon Doggie UP, Platinum Receiver 1 242.00
Blake and Dancy Paws Bicentennial, Bicentennial UP, Highroller 1 219.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Bicentennial, Highroller 1 200.00
Blake and Monster Nutter Butter Buck Fifty, Gold UP, Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Highroller, Level UP 1 196.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy Bronze UP, Buck Fifty 1 176.00
Team Radar Buck Fifty, Highroller 1 151.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Centurion, Highroller 1 149.00
Unexpected Rebounds Centurion, Hat Trick 1 123.50
Blake and Splish Splash Centurion, Highroller, Mile High UP 1 123.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip Nifty Fifty, Silver UP 1 88.00
David King and Zoey 1 75.00
Emily Corstange and Frat Nifty Fifty 1 72.00
Mark Ambuhl and Fly Nifty Fifty 1 65.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Nifty Fifty 1 64.00
Blake and Splish Splash Mile High UP, Nifty Fifty 1 62.00
Rebecca and Finch Nifty Fifty 1 62.00
Mark Ambuhl and Clover 1 29.00
Let’s Start a Riot! 1 24.00

Four Way Play Level One - 24 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Unexpected Rebounds Double Quad, Silver UP 1 28.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Double Quad, Unobtanium UP 1 26.00
Rylee and Navi Bronze UP, Double Quad 1 26.00
Blake and Splish Splash Double Quad 1 26.00
Blake and Monster Nutter Butter Double Quad, Unobtanium UP 1 24.00
Blake and Dancy Paws Double Quad 1 24.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Double Quad, Silver UP 1 23.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Double Quad 1 22.00
SARA CROFT and Nymeria 1 20.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy Double Quad 1 20.00
The Apple of Her Eye Double Quad, Double Quad UP 1 20.00
Emily Corstange and Frat Single Quad 1 20.00
Emily Corstange and Frat Single Quad 1 19.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente πŸ”₯ Single Quad 1 19.00
Team Radar Single Quad 1 14.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip Single Quad 1 14.00
Kay McDonald and Spice 1 13.00
Angel King and Zoey 1 10.00
Becky and All-the-L’s Lilly 1 10.00
Morgan Nolte and Riot 1 9.00
Kay McDonald and Shamus 1 8.00
Kay McDonald and Poppy 1 7.00
Mark Ambuhl and Fly 1 7.00
Mark Ambuhl and Clover 1 7.00

Freestyle Level One - 3 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Unexpected Rebounds Excellent Dog, Excellent Human 1 59.00
Let’s Start a Riot! Excellent Dog 1 57.00
The Apple of Her Eye Double Shot Sweet Spot 1 55.00

Frizgility Level One - 18 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Blake and Dancy Paws Frizgility Freak 1 141.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Frizgility Freak, High Five, Speedy Feet 1 139.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Frizgility Freak 1 133.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Frizgility Freak, High Five, Speedy Feet 1 128.00
Mark Ambuhl and Fly Centurion, Platinum UP, Speedy Feet 1 120.00
Blake and Monster Nutter Butter Centurion, Centurion UP 1 110.00
Blake and Splish Splash Centurion, Gold UP, Level UP, Speedy Feet 1 110.00
The Apple of Her Eye Centurion, Centurion UP, Silver UP 1 110.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Centurion, Platinum UP 1 105.00
Rylee and Navi Nifty Fifty 1 95.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy Nifty Fifty 1 85.00
Becky and All-the-L’s Lilly Nifty Fifty 1 75.00
Kay McDonald and Spice 1 65.00
Unexpected Rebounds Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
SARA CROFT and Nymeria 1 60.00
Kay McDonald and Poppy 1 60.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Kay McDonald and Shamus 1 55.00

Greedy Level One - 19 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Filthy Rich 1 50.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy Filthy Rich 1 43.00
Blake and Dancy Paws Yuppy 1 38.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Yuppy 1 33.00
Lucas Croft and Belle Yuppy 1 33.00
The Apple of Her Eye Silver UP, Yuppy 1 33.00
Team Radar Yuppy 1 32.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip Yuppy 1 29.00
Emily Corstange and Frat Penny Pincher 1 23.00
Angel King and Zoey 1 22.00
Morgan Nolte and Riot Penny Pincher 1 18.00
Unexpected Rebounds Tightwad 1 7.00
Mark Ambuhl and Fly Tightwad 1 7.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente πŸ”₯ Tightwad 1 3.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Scrooged 1 0.00
David King and Zoey 1 0.00
SARA CROFT and Nymeria 1 0.00
Rylee and Navi Scrooged 1 0.00
Mark Ambuhl and Clover Scrooged 1 0.00

Spaced Out Level One - 18 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Blake and Splish Splash Centurion, Golden Receiver, Platinum UP, Space Cadet 1 105.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Centurion 1 100.00
The Apple of Her Eye Golden Receiver, Nifty Fifty, Silver UP 1 60.00
Angel King and Zoey 1 60.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Blake and Dancy Paws Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Blake and Monster Nutter Butter Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente πŸ”₯ Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 50.00
David King and Zoey 1 50.00
Team Radar 1 15.00
SARA CROFT and Nymeria 1 15.00
Emily Corstange and Frat 1 15.00
Mark Ambuhl and Clover 1 10.00
Unexpected Rebounds 1 5.00
Morgan Nolte and Riot 1 5.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy 1 0.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip 1 0.00

Throw N Go Level One - 25 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
The Apple of Her Eye Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 51.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 46.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 45.00
Rebecca and Finch Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 44.00
Blake and Monster Nutter Butter Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter, Super Highroller, Super Highroller UP 1 42.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy Bronze UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 41.00
Team Radar Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 39.00
Morgan Nolte and Riot Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 38.00
SARA CROFT and Nymeria 1 36.00
Kay McDonald and Spice 1 34.00
Mark Ambuhl and Fly Low Five 1 33.00
Blake and Dancy Paws Low Five 1 33.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente πŸ”₯ Bronze UP, Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Low Five 1 32.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 30.00
Mark Ambuhl and Clover Low Five 1 28.00
David King and Zoey 1 28.00
Becky and All-the-L’s Lilly Low Five 1 27.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Low Five 1 27.00
Angel King and Zoey 1 19.00
Emily Corstange and Frat 1 16.00
Unexpected Rebounds 1 14.00
Morgan Nolte and Riot 1 13.00
Kay McDonald and Shamus 1 6.00
Kay McDonald and Poppy 1 6.00
Blake and Splish Splash 1 0.00

Time Warp Level One - 18 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Blake and Dancy Paws Golden Receiver, Terminator 1 84.00
Blake and Splish Splash Golden Receiver, Terminator 1 83.00
Blake and Tuggy Buggy Golden Receiver, Terminator 1 76.00
Briana Reddick and The Force πŸͺ Golden Receiver, Silver UP, Terminator, Terminator 1 76.00
David King and Zoey 1 74.00
Angel King and Zoey 1 73.00
The Apple of Her Eye McFly, McFly UP 1 69.00
Lucas Croft and Belle Gold UP, Level UP, McFly, Terminator 1 68.00
Blake and Surfy Turfy Bronze UP, McFly 1 57.00
Briana Reddick and Caliente πŸ”₯ Wylde Stallyns 1 53.00
Emily Corstange and Zee Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 1 53.00
Mark Ambuhl and Fly Wylde Stallyns 1 46.00
Emily Corstange and Frat Tardis 1 42.00
Mark Ambuhl and Zip Tardis 1 40.00
Team Radar Highroller, Tardis 1 37.00
Mark Ambuhl and Clover Tardis 1 36.00
Unexpected Rebounds Silver UP, Tardis 1 35.00
Kay McDonald and Spice 1 15.00