Jacksonville, FL, US - Bite Club


Time Warp Level One - 14 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Hyena Matata Golden Receiver, McFly 1 74.00
To Dive For Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, McFly 1 66.00
Deadly Black Mamba McFly 1 60.00
Aja Fillers and Lillie 1 59.00
Bob Hegyi and Diggory McFly 1 57.00
Colleen Hegyi and MacKenzie Tardis 1 37.00
Catch Em All Tardis 1 36.00
Nichole and Joey Tardis 1 22.00
Aja Fillers and Charlotte 1 15.00
Revenge of the Zucchini 1 15.00
Pea The Mutt 1 15.00
Take my Wallet 1 10.00
Chris Kemper and Yogi 1 5.00
Chris Kemper and Pulse 1 5.00