Jacksonville, FL, US - Bite Club


Greedy Level One - 12 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Deadly Black Mamba Filthy Rich 1 56.00
Colleen Hegyi and MacKenzie Gold UP, Yuppy 1 39.00
Headin' in the right direction Silver UP, Yuppy 1 29.00
Hyena Matata Yuppy 1 29.00
Pea The Mutt Yuppy 1 27.00
Bob Hegyi and Diggory Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Chris Kemper and Pulse Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Catch Em All Penny Pincher 1 20.00
Aja Fillers and Lillie 1 10.00
Aja Fillers and Charlotte 1 10.00
Chris Kemper and Yogi Tightwad 1 7.00
Scarecrow Dreamin' Scrooged 1 0.00

Time Warp Level One - 11 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Deadly Black Mamba Golden Receiver, Terminator 1 88.00
Aja Fillers and Lillie 1 65.00
Catch Em All McFly 1 64.00
Bob Hegyi and Diggory McFly 1 61.00
Aja Fillers and Charlotte 1 59.00
Hyena Matata Golden Receiver, Wlyde Stallyns UP, Wylde Stallyns 1 50.00
Colleen Hegyi and MacKenzie Wylde Stallyns 1 46.00
Pea The Mutt Golden Receiver, Tardis 1 41.00
Headin' in the right direction Tardis 1 22.00
Chris Kemper and Pulse 1 10.00
Chris Kemper and Yogi 1 5.00