Keystown, SK, US


FunKey Level One - 3 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Cheryl Petryshyn and Prism Bronze UP, Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 36.00
Mike Petryshyn and Rift Bronze UP, Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 36.00
Elsie Wesdyk and Fynn Funkadelic 1 22.00

Time Warp Level One - 6 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Mike Petryshyn and Rift McFly 1 70.00
Cheryl Petryshyn and Prism McFly 1 70.00
Kathy White and zest Golden Receiver, Highroller, Tardis 1 25.00
Reindeer Games Highroller, Tardis 1 20.00
Hank Wesdyk and Fynn Tardis, Tardis UP 1 17.00
Elsie Wesdyk and Blast 1 10.00

Boom Level One - 6 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Mike Petryshyn and Rift 1 20.00
Cheryl Petryshyn and Prism 1 20.00
Praise the Cheesus! 1 10.00
Hank Wesdyk and Fynn 1 5.00
Kathy White and zest 1 5.00
Elsie Wesdyk and Blast 1 3.00