Lutz, FL, US


Time Warp Level Two - 6 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep 1 55.00
Gary Duke and Phierce 3 45.00
Gary Duke and Phierce 1 20.00
Allison Marsh and Porsche Bronze UP 1 15.00
Gary Duke and Phierce 2 15.00
Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep 2 15.00

Greedy Level One - 11 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Gary Duke and Phierce Filthy Rich, Silver UP 1 48.00
Gary Duke and Porsche Filthy Rich 1 46.00
Gary Duke and Phame Platinum UP, Yuppy 1 32.00
Andi and Banner Yuppy 2 28.00
Mr. Impatient Yuppy 2 27.00
Andi and Banner Gold UP, Penny Pincher 3 24.00
Mr. Impatient Penny Pincher 3 24.00
You Can’t Make Me (Because I Do What I Want) Tightwad 1 10.00
Andi and the Nut Tightwad 1 7.00
Mr. Impatient Bronze UP, Tightwad 1 4.00
Andi and Banner Scrooged 1 0.00

Boom Level One - 10 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Gary Duke and Porsche 1 65.00
Gary Duke and Phame 1 30.00
Allison Marsh and Porsche 1 24.00
Mr. Impatient 1 16.00
Mr. Impatient 3 15.00
Andi and Banner 2 6.00
Andi and Banner 3 6.00
Andi and Banner 1 5.00
Mr. Impatient 2 5.00
Andi and the Nut 1 0.00

Frizgility Level Two - 5 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep 1 230.00
Allison Marsh and Phierce Silver UP 1 230.00
Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep 2 185.00
Andi and Banner 1 155.00
Andi and Banner Bronze UP 2 125.00

Spaced Out Level Two - 3 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Gary Duke and Phierce 1 90.00
Gary Duke and Porsche Bronze UP 1 85.00
Gary Duke and Phame Bronze UP 1 75.00