Millington, TN, US - Bite Club - Midsouth Disc Dogs


Boom Level One - 15 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Nyx'd Discfunction Bronze UP, Gold UP, Party Popper, Silver UP 1 23.00
Tora-nado Party Popper 1 20.00
Alexis and Saint Sparkler 1 15.00
Reckless Disc'cisons Bronze UP, Silver UP, Sparkler 1 15.00
Stole Mike’s Dog Sparkler 1 10.00
Quinntastic Sparkler 1 10.00
Mary Francis Mangum and Shilo Sparkler 1 10.00
Zee Ya in the Sweet Spot Sparkler 1 10.00
Jess and Murray Sparkler 1 5.00
Crikey! It's a Nublet! Sparkler 1 3.00
Crikey! Isn't He a Beaut? Sparkler 1 2.00
Mommy's Minion Sparkler 1 1.00
Jess and Lambeau Fizzle 1 0.00
Charlotte Mangum and Thyme Fizzle 1 0.00
Troy Nelson and Noodle Fizzle 1 0.00

Throw N Go Level One - 16 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Zee Ya in the Sweet Spot Golden Receiver, Low Five, Super Highroller, Super Highroller UP 1 33.00
Reckless Disc'cisons Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter, Super Highroller 1 32.00
Alexis and Saint Bronze UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 28.00
Crikey! It's a Nublet! Low Five 1 25.00
Daddy's Little Demon Super Highroller 1 24.00
Stole Mike’s Dog Sharpshooter 1 24.00
Nyx'd Discfunction 1 23.00
Troy Nelson and Noodle Super Highroller 1 23.00
Mommy's Minion Super Highroller 1 21.00
Crikey! Isn't He a Beaut? 1 18.00
Tora-nado 1 18.00
Mary Francis Mangum and Shilo Level UP 1 18.00
Jess and Lambeau 1 16.00
Jess and Murray 1 14.00
Quinntastic 1 14.00
Charlotte Mangum and Thyme 1 6.00