Moncton, NB, CA - Bite Club


Time Warp Level One - 14 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Kevin Arseneau and Nash 1 28.00
Kevin Arseneau and Nash 2 20.00
Michaela Spencer and Petunia Golden Receiver, Highroller, Tardis 1 20.00
Michelle Evans and Stella 1 10.00
Michaela Spencer and Petunia 2 10.00
Michaela Spencer and Tulip 2 10.00
Hannah Phillips and Myrtle 2 10.00
Nicola Poirier and Lily 1 5.00
Michaela Spencer and Tulip 1 5.00
Nicola Poirier and Lily Golden Receiver 2 5.00
Michelle Evans and Stella 2 5.00
Nico Acosta and Archie 1 0.00
Hannah Phillips and Myrtle 1 0.00
Nico Acosta and Archie 2 0.00