Regina, SK, CA - Bite Club - Regina Disc Dogs


Time Warp Level One - 18 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Anja Evans and Nike Golden Receiver, Terminator, Terminator UP 1 77.00
Kili'n it on the disc field McFly 1 74.00
Patricia Williams and Mavrik Golden Receiver, McFly 1 73.00
Anja Evans and Kili McFly 1 60.00
> (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North) Wylde Stallyns 1 47.00
Patricia Williams and Bye Bye Wylde Stallyns 1 45.00
Margaret and Storm Highroller, Wylde Stallyns 1 45.00
Margaret & Draven Golden Receiver, Highroller, Tardis 1 43.00
Patricia Williams and Magic Moon Tardis 1 41.00
Hendrika Evans and Syrn Golden Receiver, Highroller, Tardis 1 41.00
Eryn Audette and Monte Tardis 1 37.00
Patricia Williams and FanC Tardis 1 34.00
My Ride's Here Tardis 1 33.00
Patricia Williams and Manny Tardis 1 30.00
Anja Evans and Mako Highroller, Tardis 1 23.00
* The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North * Tardis 1 18.00
Disco Disc, oh DUCK! Golden Receiver 1 10.00
Margaret and Ripley 1 10.00

Boom Level One - 18 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Anja Evans and Nike Party Popper 1 18.00
Patricia Williams and Manny 1 16.00
Patricia Williams and Magic Moon 1 15.00
My Ride's Here 1 15.00
> (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North) Sparkler 1 12.00
Patricia Williams and Mavrik 1 10.00
Kili'n it on the disc field 1 10.00
Margaret & Draven 1 8.00
Margaret and Ripley 1 8.00
* The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North * Sparkler 1 8.00
Hendrika Evans and Syrn 1 6.00
Patricia Williams and Bye Bye 1 5.00
Anja Evans and Kili 1 5.00
Patricia Williams and FanC 1 5.00
Margaret and Storm 1 4.00
Eryn Audette and Monte 1 3.00
Anja Evans and Mako 1 0.00
Disco Disc, oh DUCK! 1 0.00