Saskatoon, SK, CA - Triple Crown


Four Way Play Level One - 31 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Paige Hollinger and Sniper Double Quad 1 27.00
Jax Attack Double Quad 1 22.00
> (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North) Highroller, Single Quad 1 21.00
Stacey Gamble and Mackie's Diamond Villainous Viper Single Quad 1 19.00
Paige Hollinger and UEFA Single Quad 1 18.00
Sweet But Psycho Single Quad 1 17.00
Sharon and Jago Single Quad 1 16.00
* The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North * Single Quad 1 15.00
Stacey Gamble and Split Single Quad, Single Quad UP 1 14.00
Flying WonkyHead Single Quad 1 13.00
Debbie Dooley and Rebel Bronze UP, Single Quad 1 13.00
these rebel waves Single Quad 1 12.00
Half-a-Giraffe Single Quad 1 12.00
Smoke’s Show Single Quad 1 12.00
Gone With the Wind Single Quad 1 12.00
Flying BullShark Single Quad 1 11.00
Stellar Nebula 1 11.00
The Corg-key to Happiness Single Quad 1 10.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss Single Quad 1 10.00
Dusty Monkeys Single Quad 1 10.00
Paige Hollinger and FIFA Single Quad 1 10.00
Terror Squad Single Quad 1 10.00
Danelle Reiss and Loki Reiss 1 10.00
TheBeesKnees 1 9.00
Flying LittleBitta Bronze UP 1 9.00
Revving up the Rivalry 1 6.00
CurlyHairDontCare 1 6.00
Barb Sigurdson and Josie 1 3.00
Barb Sigurdson and Charm 1 2.00
Good Grief 1 0.00
Hailey and Mia 1 0.00

Greedy Level One - 30 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Sweet But Psycho Yuppy 1 27.00
Flying LittleBitta Yuppy 1 26.00
Gone With the Wind Bronze UP, Penny Pincher 1 24.00
* The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North * Gold UP, Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Smoke’s Show Penny Pincher 1 21.00
Flying WonkyHead Tightwad 1 10.00
Half-a-Giraffe Tightwad 1 10.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss Tightwad 1 10.00
Stellar Nebula Tightwad 1 10.00
CurlyHairDontCare Tightwad 1 10.00
Debbie Dooley and Rebel Tightwad 1 10.00
> (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North) Tightwad 1 10.00
Good Grief Tightwad 1 10.00
TheBeesKnees Tightwad 1 10.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss Tightwad 1 10.00
The Corg-key to Happiness Tightwad 1 10.00
Terror Squad Tightwad 1 10.00
Paige Hollinger and UEFA Tightwad 1 10.00
Barb Sigurdson and Charm Tightwad 1 7.00
Dusty Monkeys Tightwad 1 6.00
Stacey Gamble and Split Tightwad 1 6.00
Paige Hollinger and FIFA Tightwad 1 6.00
Flying BullShark Tightwad 1 5.00
Jax Attack Tightwad 1 2.00
Paige Hollinger and Sniper Scrooged 1 0.00
Stacey Gamble and Mackie's Diamond Villainous Viper Scrooged 1 0.00
Barb Sigurdson and Josie Scrooged 1 0.00
Sharon and Jago Scrooged 1 0.00
these rebel waves Scrooged 1 0.00
Hailey and Mia Scrooged 1 0.00

Time Warp Level One - 36 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Smoke’s Show Highroller, Silver UP, Wylde Stallyns 1 50.00
Stacey Gamble and Mackie's Diamond Villainous Viper Tardis, Tardis UP 2 27.00
* The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North * Tardis 2 24.00
Gone With the Wind Tardis 1 24.00
Terror Squad Tardis 1 21.00
Barb Sigurdson and Josie Tardis 2 20.00
Paige Hollinger and FIFA Tardis 2 19.00
Stacey Gamble and Split Tardis 2 18.00
Sweet But Psycho Tardis 1 18.00
Flying WonkyHead Tardis 2 16.00
Stacey Gamble and Mackie's Diamond Villainous Viper 1 15.00
Flying LittleBitta 1 15.00
Half-a-Giraffe 2 15.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss 2 10.00
Sharon and Jago 2 10.00
Paige Hollinger and UEFA 2 10.00
Gone With the Wind 2 10.00
The Corg-key to Happiness 1 10.00
Paige Hollinger and Sniper 1 10.00
Stacey Gamble and Split 1 10.00
Sharon and Jago 1 10.00
Flying BullShark Platinum UP 1 10.00
Paige Hollinger and FIFA 1 10.00
Paige Hollinger and UEFA 1 10.00
Dusty Monkeys 1 10.00
Half-a-Giraffe 1 10.00
Stellar Nebula 1 10.00
TheBeesKnees 1 5.00
these rebel waves 1 5.00
Paige Hollinger and Sniper 2 5.00
Loud and Proud 2 5.00
Dusty Monkeys 2 5.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss 2 5.00
Revving up the Rivalry 2 5.00
CurlyHairDontCare 1 0.00
Venessa Martens and Roy 2 0.00

Frizgility Level One - 23 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Flying WonkyHead Frizgility Freak 1 130.00
Sweet But Psycho Centurion 1 118.00
Hailey Dooley and Sniper Centurion 1 115.00
Stacey Gamble and Mackie's Diamond Villainous Viper Centurion 1 113.00
Paige Hollinger and Sniper Nifty Fifty 1 89.00
Paige Hollinger and UEFA Nifty Fifty 1 85.00
Stacey Gamble and Split Nifty Fifty 1 85.00
Smoke’s Show Nifty Fifty 1 81.00
Half-a-Giraffe Nifty Fifty 1 80.00
Paige Hollinger and FIFA Nifty Fifty 1 79.00
Debbie Dooley and Rebel Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
these rebel waves Nifty Fifty 1 65.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss Nifty Fifty 1 62.00
Sharon and Jago Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Barb Sigurdson and Charm Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Diane Mapes and Smidge Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Gone With the Wind Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Barb Sigurdson and Josie Nifty Fifty 1 56.00
Terror Squad Nifty Fifty 1 56.00
CurlyHairDontCare 1 45.00
Dusty Monkeys 1 45.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss 1 43.00
Venessa Martens and Roy 1 20.00

Spaced Out Level One - 20 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Stacey Gamble and Split Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Stacey Gamble and Mackie's Diamond Villainous Viper Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Sweet But Psycho 1 45.00
Paige Hollinger and FIFA 1 25.00
Paige Hollinger and UEFA 1 20.00
Half-a-Giraffe 1 15.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss 1 15.00
Venessa Martens and Roy 1 15.00
Revving up the Rivalry 1 15.00
Flying WonkyHead 1 15.00
Terror Squad 1 15.00
Dusty Monkeys 1 15.00
these rebel waves 1 15.00
* The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North * 1 15.00
> (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North) Golden Receiver 1 10.00
Gone With the Wind 1 10.00
Sharon and Jago 1 10.00
Paige Hollinger and Sniper 1 10.00
Barb Sigurdson and Josie 1 5.00
Danelle Reiss and Chewy Reiss 1 5.00