Sultan, WA, US


Frizgility Level One - 24 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Taco Bella Frizgility Freak, Speedy Feet 2 125.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Centurion, Speedy Feet, Speedy Feet UP 2 119.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Centurion, Speedy Feet 2 110.00
Taco Bella Centurion 1 108.00
Raena and Keiko Bronze UP, Centurion 1 105.00
Storming the Castle Centurion 2 103.00
Team Fyre Starter Nifty Fifty 2 93.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca Nifty Fifty 2 86.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Nifty Fifty, Silver UP 1 85.00
Delta Airlines Gold UP, Level UP, Nifty Fifty 1 83.00
Delta Airlines Nifty Fifty 2 83.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Nifty Fifty 2 83.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Nifty Fifty, Platinum UP 1 80.00
Raena and Keiko Nifty Fifty 2 76.00
Team Fyre Starter Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP, Silver UP 1 75.00
Let Chaos Reign Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
Valley Rolls! Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 70.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca Nifty Fifty 3 70.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 66.00
Valley Rolls! Nifty Fifty 2 60.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Nifty Fifty 1 55.00
Storming the Castle Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Storming the Castle 3 45.00

Greedy Level One - 27 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Corey + Anya Filthy Rich 1 48.00
Corey + Anya Yuppy 2 41.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Yuppy 2 36.00
Taco Bella Yuppy 2 34.00
Taco Bella Yuppy 1 33.00
Team Fyre Starter Yuppy 2 33.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Yuppy 3 32.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Yuppy 2 30.00
Let Chaos Reign Bronze UP, Yuppy 1 29.00
Let Chaos Reign Yuppy 2 29.00
Corey + Anya Yuppy 3 26.00
Let Chaos Reign Yuppy 3 26.00
Jessica Harris and Gidget Penny Pincher 1 24.00
Brookie Penny Pincher 2 20.00
Valley Rolls! Penny Pincher 2 19.00
Valley Rolls! Penny Pincher 1 19.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Bronze UP, Penny Pincher 1 19.00
Team Fyre Starter Gold UP, Penny Pincher 1 19.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Penny Pincher 2 19.00
Brookie Penny Pincher 1 14.00
Jessica Harris and Gidget Tightwad 2 7.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Silver UP, Tightwad 1 4.00
Raena and Keiko Scrooged 1 0.00
Delta Airlines Scrooged 1 0.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Scrooged 1 0.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca Scrooged 1 0.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Bronze UP, Scrooged 1 0.00

Spaced Out Level One - 22 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Corey + Anya Centurion 2 135.00
Corey + Anya Centurion, Golden Receiver 3 110.00
Taco Bella Centurion, Platinum UP 1 100.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Nifty Fifty 1 95.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Nifty Fifty 1 90.00
Raena and Keiko Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
Taco Bella Nifty Fifty 2 60.00
Let Chaos Reign Nifty Fifty 2 60.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Nifty Fifty 2 60.00
Corey + Anya Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Raena and Keiko Nifty Fifty 2 55.00
Storming the Castle 2 20.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 20.00
Valley Rolls! 2 15.00
Brookie 1 15.00
Brookie 3 15.00
Valley Rolls! 1 15.00
Jessica Harris and Gidget 1 10.00
Brookie 2 10.00
Let Chaos Reign Bronze UP 1 10.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 10.00
Storming the Castle 1 5.00

Throw N Go Level One - 33 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Golden Receiver, High Five, Sharpshooter 2 59.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Bronze UP, Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 48.00
Corey + Anya Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 47.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter UP 3 44.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Bronze UP, Golden Receiver, Low Five 1 37.00
Team Fyre Starter Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter, Silver UP, Super Highroller 2 34.00
Valley Rolls! Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Low Five 2 33.00
Storming the Castle Low Five 2 33.00
Delta Airlines Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 32.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Low Five 2 32.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 32.00
Taco Bella Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 30.00
Raena and Keiko Low Five 1 27.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Low Five 2 25.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato 2 21.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca 3 20.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Platinum UP 1 19.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 19.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca 2 18.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Bronze UP 1 18.00
Valley Rolls! Gold UP, Level UP 1 17.00
Storming the Castle 1 16.00
Raena and Keiko 2 15.00
Jessica Harris and Gidget 1 13.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk Highroller 1 12.00
Nina Simone 2 12.00
Delta Airlines Highroller 2 12.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 2 11.00
Brookie 2 9.00
Nina Simone 3 6.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk 2 4.00
Nina Simone 1 0.00
Brookie 1 0.00

Time Warp Level One - 27 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Taco Bella Golden Receiver, Terminator 3 79.00
Corey + Anya Golden Receiver, Terminator 3 78.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes McFly, McFly UP 1 72.00
Corey + Anya McFly 1 70.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Bronze UP, McFly 1 66.00
Taco Bella McFly 1 61.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 1 52.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 3 49.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Bronze UP, Wylde Stallyns 1 49.00
Corey + Anya Tardis, Unobtanium UP 1 42.00
Delta Airlines Tardis 1 41.00
Storming the Castle Tardis 1 40.00
Team Fyre Starter Highroller, Tardis 1 37.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Bronze UP, Tardis 1 36.00
Storming the Castle Tardis 1 34.00
Valley Rolls! Golden Receiver, Tardis, Tardis UP 1 33.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Tardis 1 30.00
Brookie Golden Receiver, Tardis 1 29.00
Taco Bella Tardis, Unobtanium UP 1 23.00
Raena and Keiko Tardis 1 16.00
Raena and Keiko 1 10.00
Valley Rolls! 1 10.00
Team Tootie Fruitti 1 10.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk 1 5.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 5.00
Brookie 3 5.00
Brookie 1 0.00