Sultan, WA, US


Boom Level One - 33 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato 1 31.00
McHeaty 1 30.00
Taco Bella 1 21.00
Discs before dix 1 21.00
Black Magic 1 20.00
Storming the Castle 1 20.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 19.00
Team GILFs Party Popper 1 19.00
Team Fyre Starter 1 15.00
Tia and Juniper 1 15.00
Valley Rolls! 1 15.00
Scream Team 1 14.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse 1 13.00
Team Tootie Fruitti 1 10.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes 1 10.00
The Big Booty Judy's 1 10.00
Corey + Anya 1 10.00
Teresa Troock and Parker 1 10.00
April Caron and Scully 1 9.00
April Caron and Mouse 1 7.00
Bonnie Cleve and Reyne 1 6.00
Bats Against Gravity 1 6.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 6.00
Jessica Harris and Maverick 1 6.00
Whippet speed 1 5.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa 1 4.00
Paul Cleve and Joey 1 4.00
Buggy 1 3.00
john harvey and crimson grey 1 3.00
Dale Johnston and Riley 1 0.00
Savana Bennett and Eila 1 0.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk 1 0.00
Brookie 1 0.00

Far Out Level One - 33 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
McHeaty Bicentennial, Golden Receiver, Highroller 1 211.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Bicentennial, Silver UP 1 206.00
Corey + Anya Buck Fifty, Golden Receiver, Highroller 1 192.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Buck Fifty, Hat Trick, Highroller, Highroller UP 1 152.00
Dale Johnston and Parker Centurion, Highroller 1 148.00
The Big Booty Judy's Centurion 1 144.00
Team GILFs Centurion, Hat Trick, Highroller 1 133.00
Black Magic Centurion, Hat Trick, Highroller 1 124.00
Taco Bella Centurion 1 120.50
Wild Thornberrys Centurion, Hat Trick, Highroller 1 114.00
Team Fyre Starter Centurion, Centurion UP, Highroller 1 113.50
Knot Force One Centurion, Highroller 1 101.00
Delta Airlines Nifty Fifty, Silver UP 1 97.00
April Caron and Scully Nifty Fifty 1 97.00
Jessica Harris and Maverick Nifty Fifty 1 94.00
Discs before dix Nifty Fifty 1 92.00
Paul Cleve and Joey Nifty Fifty 1 89.00
Valley Rolls! Nifty Fifty 1 74.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Nifty Fifty 1 69.00
Dale Johnston and Riley Nifty Fifty 1 62.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse Nifty Fifty 1 62.00
Teresa Troock and Parker Nifty Fifty 1 60.50
Jon Razinger and Ember Nifty Fifty 1 59.00
Storming the Castle Nifty Fifty 1 55.50
Whippet speed Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 53.00
Savana Bennett and Eila 1 49.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa 1 48.00
Brookie 1 44.00
April Caron and Mouse 1 35.00
Buggy 1 34.00
Bonnie Cleve and Reyne 1 16.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 15.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 0.00

Frizgility Level One - 35 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Taco Bella Frizgility Freak, High Five 1 160.00
The Big Booty Judy's Frizgility Freak, High Five 1 155.00
Dale Johnston and Riley Frizgility Freak, High Five 1 150.00
Team Carnage Frizgility Freak 1 136.00
Teresa Troock and Parker Frizgility Freak 1 125.00
Corey + Anya Centurion, Speedy Feet 1 120.00
Discs before dix Centurion, Centurion UP 1 115.00
Girls on Fire Centurion, Centurion UP 1 113.00
Team Fyre Starter Centurion 1 105.00
Storming the Castle Centurion 1 105.00
Team GILFs Centurion 1 101.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Centurion 1 100.00
Flying Pig Centurion 1 100.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Nifty Fifty, Speedy Feet 1 95.00
Tia and Juniper Nifty Fifty 1 93.00
Knot Force One Nifty Fifty 1 88.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Nifty Fifty 1 86.00
Scream Team Nifty Fifty 1 85.00
April Caron and Scully Nifty Fifty 1 73.00
April Caron and Mouse Nifty Fifty 1 68.00
Delta Airlines Nifty Fifty 1 68.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa Nifty Fifty 1 65.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse Nifty Fifty 1 65.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca Nifty Fifty 1 64.00
Wild Thornberrys Nifty Fifty 1 64.00
Valley Rolls! Nifty Fifty, Platinum UP 1 63.00
Jessica Harris and Maverick Nifty Fifty 1 63.00
Keira and Ronnie Nifty Fifty 1 61.00
Jon Razinger and Ember Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Bonnie Cleve and Reyne Nifty Fifty 1 59.00
Buggy Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Savana Bennett and Eila 1 45.00
Paul Cleve and Joey 1 45.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Bronze UP 1 40.00
Whippet speed 1 33.00

FunKey Level One - 34 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Team Carnage Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 51.00
The Big Booty Judy's Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 44.00
Flying Pig Bronze UP, Daft Funk, Single Quad 1 40.00
Tia and Juniper Daft Funk, Single Quad 1 40.00
Taco Bella Daft Funk, Single Quad 1 37.00
Storming the Castle Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 35.00
Dale Johnston and Riley Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 34.00
Example and Uppy D Funkadelic, Highroller, Single Quad 1 34.00
Discs before dix Funkadelic, Funkadelic UP, Single Quad 1 33.00
Team Fyre Starter Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 33.00
Jessica Harris and Maverick Funkadelic, Silver UP, Single Quad, Single Quad UP 1 31.00
Team GILFs Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 30.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 30.00
Corey + Anya Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 29.00
Teresa Troock and Parker Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 28.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 26.00
April Caron and Scully Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 26.00
April Caron and Mouse Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 25.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Funkadelic, Single Quad, Single Quad UP 1 23.00
Knot Force One Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 22.00
Scream Team Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 21.00
Valley Rolls! Single Quad 1 19.00
Bonnie Cleve and Reyne Single Quad 1 18.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse 1 18.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 15.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa 1 14.00
Savana Bennett and Eila Silver UP 1 14.00
Whippet speed 1 13.00
Girls on Fire 1 13.00
Paul Cleve and Joey 1 13.00
Wild Thornberrys 1 12.00
Buggy 1 12.00
Jon Razinger and Ember 1 12.00
Keira and Ronnie 1 10.00

Pairs Four Way Play Level One - 21 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Corey Polis, Raena Lorio, and Skye Triple Quad 1 32.00
Devlin, Tia , and Juniper Silver UP, Triple Quad 1 32.00
Kyle Throws Far and Becky Panics Triple Quad 1 30.00
Alexandra Simpson, Rob Fenske and Lainey Double Quad 1 29.00
Becky Johnson, Kyle McCausland, and Hobbes McCausland Double Quad 1 26.00
Seoul peed on Corey Double Quad 1 26.00
Rob Fenske, Alexandria Simpson and Bella Double Quad 1 24.00
Corey Polis, Raena Lorio, and Pandemic Lapse of Judgement (Finn) Bronze UP, Single Quad 1 20.00
Pote's fan club Single Quad 1 19.00
Corey + Raena + Anya Single Quad 1 18.00
Mav's fan club Highroller, Single Quad 1 17.00
Alexa Mclaren, April Caron, and Scully Single Quad 1 17.00
Keira Bennett, Savana Bennett, and Ronnie Single Quad 1 16.00
Dale Johnston, Teresa Troock, and Riley Single Quad 1 14.00
April Caron, Alexa McLaren and Mouse Single Quad 1 14.00
Dale Johnston, Teresa Troock, and Parker Single Quad 1 10.00
Rob Fenske, Alexandria Simpson and Lepa Single Quad 1 10.00
John Harvey, Raena Lorio and Crimson Grey 1 7.00
Team Boob Biters 1 6.00
Team Bitches and Witches 1 6.00
Alexa McLaren, Jenna Hemphill and Inca 1 3.00

Throw N Go Level One - 38 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
McHeaty Golden Receiver, High Five, Sharpshooter, Silver UP 1 61.00
Dale Johnston and Riley Golden Receiver, High Five, Sharpshooter 1 56.00
The Big Booty Judy's Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 53.00
Flying Pig Bronze UP, Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 51.00
Black Magic Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 49.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Gold UP, Golden Receiver, Level UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 47.00
Taco Bella Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 42.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 40.00
Storming the Castle Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 38.00
Bats Against Gravity Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
Discs before dix Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
Corey + Anya Golden Receiver, Low Five, Super Highroller, Super Highroller UP 1 36.00
Tia and Juniper Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 33.00
Jon Razinger and Ember Low Five 1 29.00
Buggy Golden Receiver, Low Five, Super Highroller 1 27.00
Jessica Harris and The Flying Potato Low Five 1 27.00
Savana Bennett and Eila Low Five 1 25.00
Team Fyre Starter Golden Receiver, Golden Receiver UP, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter UP, Super Highroller 1 24.00
Teresa Troock and Parker Unobtanium UP 1 24.00
Wild Thornberrys Bronze UP 1 24.00
Delta Airlines 1 23.00
Girls on Fire Super Highroller 1 22.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse 1 22.00
Whippet speed 1 20.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa 1 20.00
April Caron and Scully 1 20.00
Brookie 1 17.00
john harvey and crimson grey 1 17.00
April Caron and Mouse 1 16.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 14.00
Jessica Harris and Maverick Highroller 1 12.00
Team GILFs 1 12.00
Valley Rolls! 1 12.00
Scream Team 1 12.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk Bronze UP 1 11.00
Paul Cleve and Joey 1 8.00
Bonnie Cleve and Reyne 1 1.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 0.00