Sultan, WA, US


Boom Level One - 28 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Corey + Anya 1 50.00
Taco Bella 1 40.00
McHeaty 1 30.00
SUPER DOOG 1 23.00
Team Tootie Fruitti 1 23.00
Let Chaos Reign 1 22.00
Black Magic 1 20.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca 1 18.00
Lauren Redford and Milo Party Popper 1 18.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 16.00
Team Fyre Starter 1 15.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes 1 10.00
Nic Hoskins and Eclipse 1 10.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 9.00
Storming the Castle 1 7.00
Christy and Magic 1 6.00
Happy Hour’s FauxKin Bite Hard Cider 1 5.00
Ashley Seachord and Kizmit 1 5.00
Valley Rolls! 1 5.00
Happy Hour’s Midnight Moonshine 1 5.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk 1 4.00
john harvey and crimson grey 1 3.00
Lauren Redford and Benny Sparkler 1 2.00
Nic Hoskins and Nasa 1 0.00
The Big Booty Judy's 1 0.00
Ashley Seachord and Lettie 1 0.00
Marianne and Trigger 1 0.00

Frizgility Level One - 34 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Team Carnage Frizgility Freak 1 154.00
Storming the Castle Frizgility Freak, Frizgility Freak UP, High Five 1 135.00
The Big Booty Judy's Frizgility Freak 1 125.00
Taco Bella Frizgility Freak 1 125.00
Team Opossum Centurion, Silver UP 1 113.00
Corey + Anya Centurion 1 110.00
Team Fyre Starter Centurion 1 108.00
Flying Pig Bronze UP, Centurion 1 108.00
What's UpDonk Centurion 1 103.00
Stay Mighty Nifty Fifty 1 97.00
SUPER DOOG Nifty Fifty, Nifty Fifty UP 1 95.00
ROOP THERE IT IS Nifty Fifty 1 95.00
Team Hold my Beer Nifty Fifty 1 91.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Nifty Fifty 1 90.00
Ashley Seachord and Lettie Nifty Fifty 1 90.00
Happy Hour’s FauxKin Bite Hard Cider Nifty Fifty 1 86.00
Delta Airlines Nifty Fifty 1 83.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 83.00
Sydney Mackey and Siggy Nifty Fifty 1 78.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 75.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca Nifty Fifty 1 74.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Nifty Fifty 1 71.00
Lauren Redford and Milo Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa Bronze UP, Nifty Fifty 1 70.00
Lauren Redford and Benny Nifty Fifty 1 66.00
Let Chaos Reign Nifty Fifty 1 61.00
Thundering Skies Nifty Fifty 1 60.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Nifty Fifty, Platinum UP 1 53.00
Valley Rolls! Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Christy and Magic Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Sydney Mackey and Maverick Nifty Fifty 1 50.00
Happy Hour’s Midnight Moonshine 1 45.00
Sydney Mackey and Moonstruck 1 38.00
Whippet speed 1 0.00

FunKey Level One - 29 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Team Carnage Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 53.00
The Big Booty Judy's Daft Funk, Double Quad 1 46.00
Flying Pig Daft Funk, Double Quad, Silver UP 1 43.00
Taco Bella Daft Funk, Single Quad 1 42.00
Storming the Castle Daft Funk, Daft Funk UP, Double Quad 1 40.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Daft Funk, Single Quad 1 37.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Daft Funk, Platinum UP, Single Quad 1 37.00
ROOP THERE IT IS Daft Funk, Single Quad 1 36.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa Bronze UP, Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 32.00
Corey + Anya Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 32.00
SUPER DOOG Funkadelic, Silver UP, Single Quad 1 30.00
Lauren Redford and Milo Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 30.00
What's UpDonk Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 29.00
Let Chaos Reign Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 27.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse Bronze UP, Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 25.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 25.00
Ashley Seachord and Lettie Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 22.00
Valley Rolls! Funkadelic, Platinum UP, Single Quad 1 22.00
Team Fyre Starter Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 21.00
Thundering Skies Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 20.00
Lauren Redford and Benny Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 20.00
Sydney Mackey and Siggy Funkadelic, Single Quad 1 20.00
Happy Hour’s Midnight Moonshine Funkadelic, Single Quad, Single Quad UP 1 20.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 18.00
Happy Hour’s FauxKin Bite Hard Cider 1 16.00
Sydney Mackey and Moonstruck Single Quad 1 16.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca 1 16.00
Sydney Mackey and Maverick 1 15.00
Stay Mighty 1 12.00

Pairs Four Way Play Level One - 16 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Becky Johnson, Kyle McCausland, and Hobbes McCausland Double Quad 1 29.00
Rob Fenske, Corey Polis and Bella Double Quad 1 28.00
Tiana Brown, Breana Donovan and Ripley Double Quad 1 23.00
Rob Fenske, Corey Polis and Lepa Double Quad 1 22.00
This Is How We Roll Double Quad 1 21.00
Alexa McLaren, Manjit Golden and Seoul Double Quad 1 20.00
Isaac Lorio, Raena Lorio and Skye Double Quad 1 20.00
Total Lunar Eclipse Single Quad 1 19.00
Happy Hour’s Did You Just Pull a Rabbit out of my Hat Single Quad 1 17.00
Ready to Launch Single Quad 1 17.00
Team Boob Biters Single Quad 1 15.00
Raena Lorio, Isaac Lorio and Finn Single Quad 1 14.00
Suzanne Dubnicka, Raena Lorio and Wish Single Quad 1 14.00
Tiana Brown, Breana Donovan and Super Doog Single Quad 1 12.00
Laurel Behnke, Sydney Mackey and Boujee 1 7.00
Alexa McLaren, Raena Lorio and Inca 1 4.00

Throw N Go Level One - 40 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Golden Receiver, High Five, Sharpshooter 1 56.00
McHeaty Golden Receiver, Low Five, Low Five UP, Sharpshooter 1 49.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 47.00
Happy Hour’s Midnight Moonshine Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 44.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 44.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 41.00
Don Behnke and Boujee Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 39.00
Storming the Castle Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 38.00
Don and Creeper Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 37.00
What's UpDonk Low Five, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter UP 1 37.00
SUPER DOOG Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
The Big Booty Judy's Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
Taco Bella Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 36.00
Let Chaos Reign Gold UP, Golden Receiver, Level UP, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 34.00
Team Fyre Starter Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 32.00
Team Opossum Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 32.00
Black Magic Low Five, Sharpshooter, Silver UP 1 31.00
Valley Rolls! Golden Receiver, Low Five, Platinum UP, Sharpshooter 1 30.00
Team Hold my Beer Low Five 1 30.00
ROOP THERE IT IS Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 30.00
Corey + Anya Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 30.00
Flying Pig Low Five, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter UP 1 29.00
Olivia Ripley and Zeppelin Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 28.00
Christy and Magic Golden Receiver, Low Five, Sharpshooter 1 26.00
Thundering Skies Low Five, Low Five UP 1 25.00
Sydney Mackey and Vendetta 1 21.00
Laurel Behnke and Crackle 1 20.00
Lauren Redford and Milo 1 20.00
Delta Airlines 1 18.00
john harvey and crimson grey 1 18.00
Laurel Behnke and Empress 1 17.00
Kathleen Daly and Becca Bronze UP 1 16.00
Dark n Stormy 1 15.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 13.00
Marianne and Trigger 1 12.00
Daximum Effort 1 8.00
Lauren Redford and Benny 1 6.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca 1 6.00
Stay Mighty 1 5.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk 1 3.00

Time Warp Level One - 31 runs

Team Achievements Round Points
The Big Booty Judy's Golden Receiver, McFly 1 72.00
Black Magic Golden Receiver, McFly, Silver UP 1 67.00
Kyle and Casita's Don't Call Me Small Hobbes Gold UP, Level UP, McFly 1 59.00
Chelsea Barker and Eclipse McFly 1 58.00
Storming the Castle Golden Receiver, McFly, Platinum UP 1 57.00
Corey + Anya McFly 1 56.00
Becky Ziegler and Hobbes McFly 1 56.00
Sydney Mackey and Maverick Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 1 53.00
Taco Bella Wylde Stallyns 1 52.00
Becky Ziegler and Leia Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 1 52.00
Happy Hour’s FauxKin Bite Hard Cider Silver UP, Wylde Stallyns 1 52.00
ROOP THERE IT IS Wylde Stallyns 1 51.00
Sydney Mackey and Siggy Golden Receiver, Wylde Stallyns 1 50.00
Happy Hour’s Midnight Moonshine Golden Receiver, Tardis, Tardis UP 1 40.00
Let Chaos Reign Tardis 1 38.00
What's UpDonk Tardis 1 22.00
SUPER DOOG Tardis 1 20.00
Alexa Mclaren and Inca Tardis 1 20.00
Christy and Magic Tardis 1 19.00
Team Tootie Fruitti Tardis, Unobtanium UP 1 18.00
Chelsea Barker and Nasa Tardis 1 17.00
Team Fyre Starter Golden Receiver 1 15.00
Lauren Redford and Milo 1 15.00
McHeaty 1 10.00
Lauren Redford and Benny 1 10.00
Sydney Mackey and Vendetta 1 10.00
Jenna Hemphill and Dusk 1 10.00
Sydney Mackey and Piñata 1 10.00
Valley Rolls! 1 10.00
Stay Mighty 1 5.00
Alexa Mclaren and Seoul 1 5.00