Far Out Level One

Earned On Team Name
7/3/2017 Jason Rigler and Patton
7/29/2017 zCatch game not a fetch game
7/29/2017 Agnieszja Januchowska and Nove
11/26/2017 Derek Martin and Bravo
12/9/2017 Jack Fahle and Remix
4/30/2018 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
9/29/2018 Cautiously Optimistic
11/17/2018 I've got Dibs
12/30/2018 I’m with Tessa
3/24/2019 Play a Round of Cricket
3/31/2019 Dale McElrath and Volt
6/30/2019 Marty McSexy
7/7/2019 Talk Herdy To Me
7/20/2019 The Brew Crew Griffin
8/3/2019 Jeffrey Johnson and Brick Whitney Johnson
8/31/2019 Shonna and Rumble
2/9/2020 Tick Tick... Boom!
6/14/2020 The Cosmic Collie
5/2/2021 The Brew Crew Griffin
6/5/2021 The Brew Crew Griffin
6/12/2021 Alana Totton and Fairfield's Elsie
8/8/2021 No Take Backsies
7/10/2022 Jessie Dunn and SlushE
8/20/2022 The Brew Crew Griffin
9/25/2022 Happy Idiots
3/26/2023 Stuck in the upside down
4/15/2023 Pinch Disc'er
8/20/2023 Figment of Your Imagination
8/27/2023 Chaotic Energy
11/11/2023 Team Surfy Turfy
3/30/2024 Action Jackson