Four Way Play Level Two

Earned On Team Name
5/26/2017 Moves Like Jagger
10/8/2017 Spring Board
10/15/2017 Team Island Dogz
1/27/2018 Rainbow DeRp!
2/11/2018 Spring Board
5/5/2018 Spring Board
6/2/2018 Margaret & Draven
6/16/2018 Don't Blink
6/30/2018 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
7/20/2018 Deanna Jones and Wicked Wylee
9/29/2018 Rainbow DeRp!
11/17/2018 Spring Board
2/23/2019 Terrier Terror
3/3/2019 Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep
4/14/2019 Funkaholics
4/14/2019 FitzGility
6/15/2019 Val's Packing Heat
7/27/2019 Tim Pieplow and Maisey
8/3/2019 Fiz Xs
10/5/2019 Karlee Ainslie and Theodore
10/19/2019 Dale Christianson and Pyro
10/26/2019 Debbie Le Blanc and Roxy
12/7/2019 Tim Pieplow and Maisey
7/5/2020 Team Underdog's SuperNova
8/9/2020 Josée Roussy and Zük
8/9/2020 France Sincennes and Chance
9/13/2020 Funkaholics
10/31/2020 zChocodile Dundee
1/23/2021 Deb Norman and Passion
4/11/2021 FitzGility
7/2/2021 Bitey Squirrel
9/19/2021 Josée Roussy and Zük
3/18/2022 Tyler and Epic
6/5/2022 Psycho whippet
8/27/2022 Don't Blink
9/29/2022 Dolce
3/25/2023 Bite the Mama
3/25/2023 Psycho whippet
3/26/2023 Psycho whippet
4/15/2023 Margaret and Ripley
5/22/2023 Go Big or Go Home Team Fame
5/22/2023 Don't Blink
5/28/2023 Valhalla Calling
6/18/2023 Xanadu
6/18/2023 Josée Roussy and Zük
6/24/2023 Anything but Zen
8/6/2023 Sylvie Champagne and LA Clémentine
8/13/2023 Valhalla Calling
8/19/2023 Teresa Troock and Parker
8/27/2023 Guylaine Doyon and Benson
8/27/2023 IcyCoBo
8/27/2023 Sylvie Champagne and LA Clémentine
8/27/2023 Josée Roussy and Zük
9/26/2023 AllTheFunThings
10/15/2023 Fern and Annie
11/4/2023 Schell Game
12/17/2023 Schell Game
5/11/2024 Xanadu
6/23/2024 Kim and Rufus
6/23/2024 Fern and Annie
6/30/2024 Sylvie Champagne and LA Clémentine
6/30/2024 France Sincennes and Chance
8/3/2024 The Chaos Muppets
8/3/2024 Maitai’s
8/24/2024 Juno in the Universe
9/2/2024 France Sincennes and Chance
9/8/2024 Kim and Rufus
9/8/2024 Halo top
10/12/2024 France Sincennes and Chance
10/12/2024 France Sincennes and Alphy
11/2/2024 Peach Better Have My Money