Frizgility Level One

This data excludes non-actiavted teams and rounds marked as FEO

Rank Team Total Points Best Round Total Rounds Avg. Points
276 Some Pig 1,258.00 105.00 16 78.63
277 Amy Lint and Reaching for the stars Oakley 1,254.00 90.00 19 66.00
278 Jack Smellington 1,249.00 86.00 25 49.96
279 Sylvie Champagne and LA Clémentine 1,249.00 135.00 12 104.08
280 Shark Attack! 1,248.00 125.00 15 83.20
281 Jaxson Pooh Bear Fuzzy Butt Brown and his chauffeur 1,231.00 93.00 18 68.39
282 Watch Me Soar 1,231.00 115.00 14 87.93
283 Hess and LB Slightly Dangerous 1,229.00 140.00 12 102.42
284 Maggie Elliott and Angus.McNab 1,224.00 93.00 20 61.20
285 Bill Pinder and Maeve 1,223.00 120.00 13 94.08
286 Sky's the Limit 1,220.00 94.00 21 58.10
287 Laura’s Little Peanut 1,216.00 85.00 21 57.90
288 Up Pip n Away 1,214.00 105.00 15 80.93
289 Barbie Collie and Ken 1,213.00 135.00 11 110.27
290 Morgan and Trigger 1,201.00 101.00 18 66.72
291 Team Disc Muncher 1,198.00 101.00 15 79.87
292 Roadie Warriors 1,192.00 165.00 11 108.36
293 Looney Toons 1,186.00 105.00 14 84.71
294 Patrick and Cosmo 1,186.00 115.00 15 79.07
295 IndiGO Paxasaurus Rex 1,186.00 120.00 12 98.83
296 Lester Tremble and Tryke 1,181.00 110.00 16 73.81
297 Prepare For Take Off! 1,180.00 160.00 16 73.75
298 Kate Murphy and Bellatrix Bear 1,179.00 105.00 14 84.21
299 Rogue Avenger 1,179.00 128.00 15 78.60
300 Nice n’ Cheesy 1,173.00 95.00 16 73.31