Time Warp Level One

Earned On Team Name
1/25/2015 Robert Bruce and Kitt
3/22/2015 Kerry Stevens and Mesa
6/20/2015 PercyVere
9/13/2015 Lindsey Hamilton-Donnelly and Didgeridoo
9/13/2015 Sara Brueske and Zip Tie
10/3/2015 Chip Baker and Trace
11/8/2015 Zane and the New Revolution
11/8/2015 Spring Board
11/8/2015 Deanna Jones and Rodeo
11/14/2015 Deanna Jones and Denali
11/29/2015 Shawn Bellingham and Rayne
12/19/2015 Bryan Batchelder and Banshee
12/20/2015 Bryan Batchelder and Torment
12/20/2015 Princess Codex
12/20/2015 Aztec
3/18/2016 Aztec
5/22/2016 Jen Butler and Ivy
5/29/2016 Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep
6/4/2016 Border Colliers (Chris & Twist)
6/18/2016 Disc Chicks Frank and Chicklet
7/4/2016 RueBarb
7/4/2016 I've got Dibs
8/14/2016 Ashley Crowden and Ringo
9/10/2016 Mary Jo and Gemma
9/17/2016 Mike Scudder and Paikea VDK
10/1/2016 Bryan Batchelder and Banshee
10/8/2016 The BC Express
10/23/2016 The BC Express
10/30/2016 Alyssa Buller and Skyler
11/5/2016 Absolute Krazy Kali
11/12/2016 Max Nihiser and Zoey
11/19/2016 Gulnaz and Volcha
12/17/2016 Bob Hegyi and Diggory
12/18/2016 Noximus Maximus
3/11/2017 Pick Mi(a)
3/18/2017 Steve Gannon and Penny
3/25/2017 Team Seymour
4/9/2017 The Golden Girls
4/9/2017 The Bow-Wow-Zer
4/16/2017 Jerry Robin and Loeki
4/22/2017 Deanna Jones and Denali
4/23/2017 Anna Jaroszek and Buddy
5/27/2017 Skip’n Pip
6/17/2017 Team Island Dogz
6/24/2017 Maggie Elliott and Jack McNab
7/1/2017 Here Comes Treble!
7/3/2017 Sweetness
7/30/2017 Amelia Makówka and Nuvi
8/19/2017 Chris Sells and On Target's Get Outta the Water! "aka Mako"
8/25/2017 Team Disc Muncher
9/2/2017 Margaret & Draven
9/3/2017 Agnieszka Guba and Nai
9/3/2017 Monika Larczyńska and Korso
9/3/2017 Zyta Nowak and Elba
9/4/2017 Bark n Leap
9/24/2017 Klaudia Bilska and Diana
9/30/2017 Knock,knock Roos there????
10/1/2017 Old Woman and her Dog
11/18/2017 DiscMonster Keegan
12/9/2017 Kaimen Miller and Spyro
12/10/2017 Sexybeast
2/3/2018 Joy and Magic
2/10/2018 Bob Ryan and Bagel
2/11/2018 Naomi Scapinello and Pascal
2/11/2018 Stacey Melko and Zipper
2/17/2018 Sorcerer's Apprentice
2/17/2018 Kevin Hodges and Colt H
3/4/2018 > (The team formerly known as Fluffy von Thunderthighs from the harsh winters of the North)
3/18/2018 Lootitudinally Toodiddlyicious
3/18/2018 Apryl & Obi
3/18/2018 Border Colliers (Chris & Twist)
3/18/2018 Big Ape Apex - Top of the Curve
3/18/2018 Kaimen Miller and Banshee
3/25/2018 Sir Nottingham of Notti Pants
3/25/2018 Karen Monahan and Kai
4/8/2018 A Girl and her Black Dog
4/15/2018 Patrick O'leary and Elsa
4/21/2018 Nicky Monson and Jasper
5/6/2018 Harry Potter and The Order of The
5/12/2018 Joel Bright and Zoey
5/21/2018 James & Sto Sto
6/3/2018 Melissa LaMere Dragovich and Chrome
6/10/2018 Evan Simmons and Loki
6/23/2018 Brigid Matson and Charlie
6/23/2018 Brigid Matson and Tipper
6/29/2018 Mark Smith and Lucy
7/1/2018 Moves Like Jagger
7/4/2018 Noximus Maximus
7/4/2018 Megan Schiffelbein and Coot
8/25/2018 The Brew Crew Griffin
8/25/2018 Tim Pieplow and Maisey
8/26/2018 Robin and Skeeter
9/1/2018 Go Go Power Ranger
9/3/2018 Margaret & Draven
9/7/2018 Shadow Butt
9/8/2018 Bob Ryan and Bagel
9/8/2018 Tony Burnett and Choo Choo
9/16/2018 Lisa Hudgens and Kicsit
9/24/2018 Monika and Oszi
9/29/2018 Karla Sullivan and RowdE
9/30/2018 Sidney Ryan and Rock N Roll Paisley
10/6/2018 Angel King and Zoey
10/6/2018 Team Rami
10/6/2018 Emily Weinberg and Ping
10/7/2018 Deanna Jones and Denali
10/13/2018 Cautiously Optimistic
10/21/2018 Tyson Bullet
10/21/2018 Lea & Ace
11/3/2018 Jagger Style
11/4/2018 Jenelle Miller and Bongo's Flying Crazy
11/10/2018 Allison Marsh and Icon
11/11/2018 Vern and Chuck The Dude
11/11/2018 Team Space Wolf
11/11/2018 Dale McElrath and Finn
12/2/2018 Sto 'n Go
12/8/2018 Old Woman and her Dog
12/22/2018 Epically Baussome
12/22/2018 Tracey and Craz-ci
1/6/2019 Roadie Warriors
2/10/2019 Full Steam Ahead (Carol and BERKshire 2-8-4)
2/17/2019 zSnow Wars: Return of the Jedi
2/23/2019 Watch Me Soar
2/24/2019 Sushi Collie
3/23/2019 Sarah McLeod and Epi
3/30/2019 Team Zorro
3/30/2019 Kara Hinsman and Bazinga
4/7/2019 Andi
4/7/2019 Dale McElrath and Volt
5/12/2019 Cozy and Yukon
5/12/2019 Mona & MiniMal Haribo
5/12/2019 Mona & MiniMal Haribo
5/12/2019 Weronika Ratajczak and Panda
5/19/2019 Here Comes Treble!
5/19/2019 Brett Foster and Jasper
5/19/2019 Lori Brooks and Tilly
6/2/2019 O'My! Fire In The Hole!
6/5/2019 Bill Pinder and Fiona Gallagher
6/5/2019 Goddess of Victory
6/9/2019 Barbie Dog
6/15/2019 Dreamcatchers Bold and Beautiful Byndee
6/15/2019 Lea & Ace
6/22/2019 Lidia Krysztofiak and Ginger
6/23/2019 Lisa Trevisan and Pitch
7/8/2019 Wind Advisory
7/14/2019 Team Dennis and Dilly Dilly
7/20/2019 Ariel Faeth and Marvel
7/21/2019 Dreamcatchers Bold and Beautiful Byndee
7/28/2019 Dale Christianson and Pyro
8/11/2019 Cathy Whitney and Ziggy Whitney
8/24/2019 Allison Marsh and Trix
8/24/2019 Action Jackson
8/31/2019 Kris Iverson and Ruby
9/15/2019 Checkmate
9/22/2019 In The Navy!
9/22/2019 Dale Johnston and Riley
9/28/2019 Stephanie and Bennett
9/28/2019 Here comes da Boom!!
9/28/2019 Josée Roussy and Kazz
9/28/2019 Team Ketchup
10/6/2019 Spice Up Your Life! - Allison and Spice
10/12/2019 Dale Christianson and Pyro
10/26/2019 Gayle Deshong and Sienna
10/26/2019 Cassholes - Landon Shoenberger and Castle
11/10/2019 Fiz Xs
11/15/2019 Team Jazzoo
11/16/2019 Hope and Disco
11/16/2019 KaibaCorp
11/17/2019 Donna Shelton and Navy
12/22/2019 Dale McElrath and Volt
12/28/2019 2 kilometers long (because canadians are metric)
1/5/2020 #LifeWithRivet
3/8/2020 Team Brindle Tornado
3/14/2020 Eric Holt and Millie
5/31/2020 Randi and Maleficent
5/31/2020 Deanna Jones and Wicked Wylee
6/13/2020 squeeky Clean
6/14/2020 Disorderly Conduct
6/14/2020 Kiera Hensley and Diggory
6/14/2020 Herdin' Ewe
6/27/2020 Hope and Monet
7/3/2020 Sushi Collie
7/4/2020 O’Kay Bentley
7/12/2020 Morgan and Trigger
7/18/2020 Flying Guppy
7/19/2020 Raise 'em up - Allie & Pat
7/25/2020 Margaret and Storm
7/26/2020 Beverly Donaldson and Stein
7/26/2020 Sheridan Gilchrist and Zoey
7/28/2020 Leonard
7/28/2020 Kili'n it on the disc field
7/31/2020 Team Spit Monster Eva
8/1/2020 Here comes da Boom!!
8/1/2020 Always Jazzin'
9/5/2020 B-Aussies that Sham-Rock!
9/5/2020 Life of the Party
9/5/2020 Flying PigDog
9/6/2020 Ice Ice baby
9/6/2020 Sweet Potato Timber
9/12/2020 Paul Lanzante and Tyson
9/13/2020 Paul Lanzante and Tyson
9/13/2020 Paul Lanzante and Tyson
9/20/2020 Lazy But Crazy
9/20/2020 Allison Marsh and Trix
9/20/2020 Kate Kern and Will
9/20/2020 Matthew Berggren and Raina
9/20/2020 Good Dog Old Dame
9/20/2020 JAGODA MATEJCZUK and Prim
9/27/2020 Tim Pieplow and Maisey
10/3/2020 Terrier Terror
10/3/2020 Lucky's the Star
10/4/2020 Wind Advisory
10/4/2020 Covert Mission
10/4/2020 Team Island Doggy
10/4/2020 Lollipop Guild
10/6/2020 Mike Evard and Bubba
10/8/2020 The Pursuit of Hoppiness
10/17/2020 Colleen Hegyi and Diggory
10/17/2020 Mavis Mayhem
10/25/2020 Almond Joys
11/28/2020 IzzyGator
11/28/2020 My 80's Remix - Kat and Remix
12/4/2020 Ashton Norris and Neville
12/26/2020 Dream Team
1/2/2021 Tart Me Up
3/7/2021 It’s Limp bRISKit
3/7/2021 Elementary, My Dear Watson
3/7/2021 Tara Osuba and Freeway
3/13/2021 Jessica Rodrigues and Flair
3/13/2021 The Shooting Stars
3/13/2021 Tom Schultz and Bailey
3/21/2021 Bite the Mama
3/28/2021 Angela Poates and Seppo
3/28/2021 Athena - Wisdom is Power
3/30/2021 Julie Jenkins and Chatty
4/1/2021 Epically Baussome
4/9/2021 Megan Cain and Excalibur
4/17/2021 ZZ Jordan and Breeze
4/24/2021 Checkmate
5/15/2021 Borders Flyin High
5/21/2021 Rudy Ruettiger
5/21/2021 Rachael and Zarigüeya
5/29/2021 Colleen Hegyi and MacKenzie
5/30/2021 Hyena Matata
5/30/2021 Pea The Mutt
5/30/2021 Robin and Rigby
5/30/2021 Scott McKain and Ozzy McKain
5/30/2021 Sheridan Gilchrist and Zoey
5/30/2021 Evie the allstar
5/30/2021 Josée Roussy and Kazz
6/1/2021 That’ll do, Pig!
6/1/2021 Feelin' the Buzz
6/3/2021 Jordan and Roary
6/3/2021 Jordan and Roary
6/3/2021 Patricia Williams and Mavrik
6/3/2021 Jane Kennedy and Nyx
6/5/2021 Pack-a-Punch
6/9/2021 Kirra the Koolie
6/12/2021 What's your Price?
6/12/2021 Kamikaze Aussies (H)
6/19/2021 Sheridan Gilchrist and Zoey
6/19/2021 Concerto for a Rainy Day
6/19/2021 Tim Pieplow and Mila
6/20/2021 Material Girls
6/26/2021 Checkmate
6/28/2021 Jeff Corirossi and Astra
7/3/2021 Margaret & Draven
7/3/2021 Deanna Jones and Denali
7/3/2021 Penny Tremble and Sadie
7/3/2021 Madi & Amelia (DDOGH)
8/1/2021 Aslyn Estill and Cato
8/21/2021 Teri and Challenger Jax
8/21/2021 Kirra the Koolie
9/4/2021 You’re My Hero! - Allison and Ferris
9/12/2021 Skip’n Pip
9/19/2021 Jeffrey Johnson and Brick Whitney Johnson
9/22/2021 Tara Anderson and Magnus
9/22/2021 Disc’s Never Going Out Of STYLE
9/26/2021 Mars Rising
9/27/2021 100% That Bish
9/30/2021 Boldly Indy Go
9/30/2021 Jack Fahle and Phierce
10/10/2021 Tactical Image's Mixin' it Up
10/10/2021 PRiS
10/10/2021 Roni & The Moldy Marshmallow (Eros)
10/16/2021 Team Dynut
10/17/2021 Darienne Kraeker and Parker
10/17/2021 Team Sassy Pants - Vilya & Erin
10/17/2021 Janessa Montgomery and Fission
10/23/2021 Patricia Williams and Mavrik
10/24/2021 Paige Hollinger and UEFA
10/30/2021 Heidi Pitts and Gaige
11/3/2021 Nobuko and Gash
11/4/2021 Leaping Lilly Pad
11/4/2021 Jessica Gatewood and Reckless
11/6/2021 Sky Chasers
11/6/2021 Adventures of Finn and Bre
11/6/2021 Art Moul and HomeFry
11/7/2021 Tyler and Epic
11/13/2021 Fast & Furious - Frank & Jagger
11/20/2021 Team Hero
11/20/2021 Team Total Mayhem
12/4/2021 InterStella Starship
12/5/2021 MAYU & JACK JACK
12/19/2021 Limp Discit
12/19/2021 Covert Mission
1/8/2022 Catching Discs and Sinking Ships - Allison and Castle
2/19/2022 Kitty Brown and Tripp
2/26/2022 Margaret MacEwen and Jersey
2/26/2022 Little Bird
3/6/2022 Anja Evans and Kili
3/6/2022 Megan Cain and Excalibur
3/8/2022 Megan and Bash
3/19/2022 Hope and Tato
3/20/2022 𝗠𝗮𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝘅
3/20/2022 Khan't Touch This
3/26/2022 Shamrock 'Em Sock 'Em
3/26/2022 Howard Swain and Kiera
4/2/2022 Angela Hamilton and Fly
4/9/2022 Julia Sowiak and Akkeri
4/9/2022 Jeffrey Johnson and Brick Whitney Johnson
4/9/2022 Got Your Six
4/9/2022 Risk it for the Biscuit!
4/29/2022 Stacy Small and Jake
4/30/2022 Heidi Pitts and Latt
5/7/2022 For Fox Sake
5/8/2022 Disco Disc, oh DUCK!
5/10/2022 Kaitlyn Leasure and Roman
5/11/2022 No Laughin' Matter
5/13/2022 Zeta Logic
5/14/2022 Chip off the old block
5/14/2022 Fairytail
5/15/2022 Rick Rauwerda and Jovi
5/17/2022 Levi and Secret
5/17/2022 Mike Evard and Bubba
5/18/2022 Jayme Dixon and Baxter
5/19/2022 Margaret and Dante
5/20/2022 Hype Squad
5/22/2022 The Big Booty Judy's
5/28/2022 Sherry LeCouillard and Outruns Ms Marvelous
5/29/2022 Psycho Suzi
6/18/2022 Cortney Adams and Brew
6/18/2022 Heidi Pitts and Latt
6/19/2022 Bazinga!
6/19/2022 Just Throw It! (I'll do the rest)
6/25/2022 Quicksilver Now I'm Hooked
6/25/2022 Whitney Lightner and Gripp
6/25/2022 #MakeABigSplash
6/25/2022 Jenelle Miller and Bongo's Flying Crazy
7/1/2022 Ed Wandler and Piper
7/1/2022 Super Sonic
7/4/2022 #LifeWithRivet
7/13/2022 The Cadillac of Capers
7/14/2022 Jessica Rodrigues and Fate
7/17/2022 Zero 2 Hero
7/17/2022 Sweet Potato Timber
7/17/2022 Allison Marsh and Porsche
7/19/2022 Lori Herb and Echo Go Zoom
7/24/2022 The Roo Croo
7/24/2022 Ann and ReyRey
7/30/2022 Rav & Brad
7/31/2022 Beth Watercutter and Rane
7/31/2022 Cheryl and Rift
8/13/2022 Elementary, My Dear Watson
8/14/2022 Tammy Giroux and Team Likki Likki Guinness
8/20/2022 Bring On The Party
8/23/2022 Le Roux et le Barbu
9/4/2022 Prancing Pony Boy
9/10/2022 Lea and Harlee
9/11/2022 Bad Bi*ch O'clock - Thick Thirty
9/11/2022 MP & Fidji
9/11/2022 Paint the Town Red
9/11/2022 Shawn Bellingham and Hexadecimal
9/11/2022 Melissa Farion and Jango
9/24/2022 Herb Brown and FinnBogi
9/24/2022 Team Mischief
10/5/2022 Morgan and Kimber
10/8/2022 Ariel Faeth and Icon
10/8/2022 No Laughin' Matter
10/8/2022 Josée Roussy and Zük
10/11/2022 Team Pterodactyl
10/11/2022 Patricia Williams and FanC
10/15/2022 Dood where’s my frisbee ??
10/15/2022 James King and Capture
10/22/2022 Works Best Under PRESSURE
10/23/2022 Lititz Rockers
11/5/2022 Sejal and Moka
11/5/2022 Quantum's Voyager Pogo’s Leaping
11/19/2022 Zeta Logic
11/26/2022 Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn)
12/18/2022 Aqua Axolotls
12/18/2022 Any Way You Want It
12/18/2022 Livin' in the Briar Rose World
12/18/2022 A Flower Does Not Compete
12/18/2022 CJ and Jilleroo
12/31/2022 Kate Bigger and Budgie
1/8/2023 Melissa Farion and Tess
1/21/2023 @Crazy As Loon & Deirdre
1/29/2023 So Sirious!
1/29/2023 Kiera Hensley and MacKenzie
2/4/2023 Chandler Dobbs and Finnley
2/19/2023 Ken Pogson and Rich
2/25/2023 Dazzle In The Glitterverse
3/5/2023 Victoria Nova and Malala
3/11/2023 Zero to Sixty
3/12/2023 Zinnel's Bomb Squad
3/25/2023 Team Terrier Trouble
4/2/2023 The Brew Crew Brilliant Chip
4/15/2023 Team Piper
4/22/2023 Ashley and Bolt
4/30/2023 Disc Game Is Wrigged
4/30/2023 Elementary, My Dear Watson
4/30/2023 Old Woman and her Dog
5/6/2023 Disorderly Conduct
5/6/2023 Just a Small Town Girl
5/7/2023 Team Ava
5/7/2023 Ariel Faeth and Icon
5/7/2023 Mac Attack (Derek & Mac)
5/9/2023 Jayme Dixon and Baxter
5/10/2023 Maya the monster
5/11/2023 Team Booh
5/13/2023 Gotham's ONLY Knight
5/19/2023 Tipsy on Bourbon St
5/20/2023 Team Otter
5/20/2023 The Flying Squirrel
5/21/2023 Paweł Kuligowski and Capri
5/24/2023 Lindsey and The Rye Guy
5/25/2023 Seasonly in Style
5/25/2023 Jayme Dixon and Baxter
5/25/2023 Ohana Means Family
5/27/2023 Team Back in Black
5/27/2023 WAMbamthankyoumamn
6/3/2023 Tactical Image's Mixin' it Up
6/4/2023 Tammy Bonas and Tac
6/4/2023 Zuzanna Kuszyńska and Bejli
6/10/2023 Madelaine Bailey and Biggs
6/17/2023 Birgit Locklear and Pyro
6/18/2023 Amelia Makówka and Nuvi
6/18/2023 Nina Kusiak and LYCHEE
6/18/2023 Andrzej Drożdż and Pastel
6/24/2023 Steve Gannon and Penny
7/1/2023 Bad Pennies
7/2/2023 Birgit Locklear and Pyro
7/2/2023 Patricia Williams and Mavrik
7/3/2023 Discfunction
7/5/2023 Xroad Blues ResQ
7/5/2023 No Net Ensnares Me
7/5/2023 Jessica Nemeth and Sid
7/5/2023 Diana and Sasha
7/7/2023 Laurie Staska and Banks
7/8/2023 It's The Boots
7/9/2023 Cream Filled!
7/9/2023 Terrible Tervnado
7/12/2023 Chip off the old block
7/12/2023 Girrafic Jam
7/14/2023 Katie Forseth and Tesla
7/16/2023 KaibaCorp
7/16/2023 Sydney Mackey and Thrasher
7/22/2023 Khan't Touch This
7/23/2023 Barb Geoghegan and Patches
7/28/2023 Yeti For Anything
8/5/2023 Fast like Ferrari
8/5/2023 Coming In Hot
8/6/2023 Kamila Sobotka-Unkiewicz and Molly
8/12/2023 Spoo-Artemis
8/12/2023 Reap What You Throw
8/19/2023 Julia Juraszek and Zuri
8/19/2023 Pain in My Ash
8/20/2023 Semi Charmed Life
8/20/2023 Darienne Kraeker and Parker
8/20/2023 Bring On The Party
8/26/2023 Bob Ryan and Biscuit
8/27/2023 Anything but Zen
8/29/2023 Patricia Williams and Magic Moon
9/3/2023 Team Hot and Spicy
9/3/2023 Ember & Renee
9/3/2023 Sally Rodeffer and Jeb
9/4/2023 Tipsy on Bourbon St
9/9/2023 Team Swirl Girls
9/9/2023 O’Kay Tesla
9/10/2023 Team Porter Collie
9/10/2023 Brad and Nseine Motorhead
9/10/2023 Jungle and her Minion
9/10/2023 Cheryl Smith and Kadie
9/10/2023 Adonis the Adorable
9/10/2023 Roadie Warriors
9/11/2023 Santa Paws and Mistletoe Kisses
9/16/2023 Wrong Lever
9/17/2023 Limp Discit
9/23/2023 Fairytail
9/24/2023 Laura Johnson and Zephi
9/30/2023 Michael kadish and Finn
9/30/2023 Queen of Spades
9/30/2023 The Wuzzel's
10/8/2023 IcyCoBo
10/14/2023 Pizza Wheels
10/15/2023 The Spud Studs
10/21/2023 Jonica Thomas and Beck
10/21/2023 Snaggletooth Troop
10/22/2023 Daniela and Annie
10/25/2023 Jessica edgerly and mo money
10/29/2023 Put A Little Hyzer On It!
10/29/2023 Sara Scott and Ullar
10/29/2023 Riley's Rebels
10/29/2023 Seven Up
11/4/2023 Jaxx Rock of Ages
11/11/2023 Rush of Euphoria
11/12/2023 Melissa Farion and Jango
11/26/2023 Lynda Oleksuk and Djinn
11/26/2023 Lynda Oleksuk and Zip
12/9/2023 Everything in Excess
12/17/2023 Team Wieber
12/30/2023 Disc Dewds
1/7/2024 Michelle Eadie and Lou
1/21/2024 Chris Sides and Lizzy Sides
2/11/2024 Headin' in the right direction
2/11/2024 Gary Duke and Porsche
2/18/2024 Pain in My Ash
2/18/2024 Team Let it Rip!!
2/18/2024 Sweet but Psycho
2/18/2024 Whiz of a Wiz
2/24/2024 Coming In Hot
3/10/2024 Sandy and Paisley Roen
3/23/2024 Ken Ward and Buddy Dum Dum
3/23/2024 Sushi Collie
3/24/2024 Can I Be A Mongoose Dog?
3/31/2024 Alexa Mclaren and Seoul
4/2/2024 Old Woman and her Dog
4/2/2024 Elementary, My Dear Watson
4/2/2024 Disc Game Is Wrigged
4/7/2024 Jessi Pierce and Groot
4/14/2024 Veggie Tail
4/14/2024 Shawn MacTavish and Chili
4/14/2024 Hollaback Girls
4/14/2024 Just Monki Business
4/14/2024 Stinger Laser Guided Missile
4/14/2024 O'Kay Porsche
4/28/2024 Jungle and her Minion
4/28/2024 Martyna Jażdżewska and Rita
5/1/2024 Tyler and Jamaica
5/2/2024 A Randy Fable
5/4/2024 Just a lil crazy
5/4/2024 Life's Too Short To Be Mild
5/4/2024 Sylly and Looney
5/5/2024 Team 2T Dew Boy
5/5/2024 Stinger Laser Guided Missile
5/11/2024 Sing N Zing Spoo
5/11/2024 Krazy for Kool Aid
5/13/2024 Sarah Bostock and Visenya
5/14/2024 KURB your Enthusiasm - susan & kirby
5/15/2024 Tyler and Lyric
5/17/2024 Tora-nado
5/18/2024 Danelle Reiss and Loki Reiss
5/19/2024 Hank Wesdyk and Twister
5/19/2024 Zuzanna Kuszyńska and Bejli
5/19/2024 Kasia Dominik-Kuligowska and Capri
5/26/2024 Amy and Frankie
5/26/2024 The Super Lace
5/27/2024 PS I Love Roux
6/2/2024 Flying Ford Anglia
6/2/2024 Clover the Ultimate Disc Seeker
6/2/2024 Everri Thing is Awesome with Auntie Shirley
6/5/2024 Chaotic Energy
6/6/2024 Chaotic Energy
6/6/2024 Atomic Labrador
6/8/2024 Melissa Farion and Jango
6/8/2024 Somethin’s Bruin
6/8/2024 Justyna Mitka and Bjorn
6/22/2024 Sylvester Jaramillo and Bedias
6/23/2024 Terri Yezzi and Vanellope
6/29/2024 Whitney Lightner and Rysin
7/2/2024 Fast like Ferrari
7/6/2024 Team Sammie
7/7/2024 Consult the Cards
7/12/2024 Jillian Kenney and Fennec
7/12/2024 Sam and Indy
7/13/2024 Ain't No Time For a Pit Stop
7/13/2024 Brendon Siang and Batman
7/16/2024 Patricia Williams and FanC
7/18/2024 Ohana Means Family
7/18/2024 Teresa Troock and Parker
7/20/2024 Weird is the Word
7/21/2024 ROOP THERE IT IS
7/21/2024 Bad Pennies
7/23/2024 Sharon Brown and Ty
7/27/2024 Schwa Ə
7/27/2024 Wrong Lever
7/27/2024 Lindsey Elderbrook and Oscar
7/28/2024 No Lights On
7/28/2024 Team Underdog’s Road Runner
7/28/2024 Trash Can, Not Trash Cannot
7/29/2024 Minnetexa
7/30/2024 Concerto for a Rainy Day
8/2/2024 Sylly and Looney
8/3/2024 Holly Davis and Yato
8/3/2024 Andrzej Drożdż and Toxinka
8/14/2024 C^2
8/17/2024 Agnieszka Chlubicka and Brzoskwinka
8/17/2024 Bear Down
8/18/2024 Discfunction
8/25/2024 ZAPPATTACK
8/25/2024 Hope and Monet
8/29/2024 Lindsay and Vash
8/31/2024 Girrafic Jam
8/31/2024 Don’t Worry Be Cappy 👹
8/31/2024 Everything in Excess
9/7/2024 Oh Fiddle Sticks!
9/8/2024 Pamela Soke and Stiles
9/8/2024 Star-crossed
9/15/2024 Meet Me At The Top
9/20/2024 Zach Schutz and Rubiks
9/22/2024 Team Underdog's SuperNova
9/28/2024 Road Runner
9/28/2024 Tracy Geddes and Maud
9/28/2024 Team Brown Dog
9/29/2024 InterStella Starship
10/5/2024 Nicky Monson and Jasper
10/6/2024 Phoenix Rising
10/6/2024 Pain in My Ash
10/6/2024 Maja Wołkow and Chałka
10/6/2024 Inflight’s Songbird
10/12/2024 Audrey and Bailey
10/13/2024 Black Dog Serenade
10/16/2024 Britney DeMello and Roper
10/19/2024 Gotham's ONLY Knight
10/19/2024 Team Underdog’s Road Runner
10/19/2024 Coming In Hot
10/20/2024 Floppy Muppet Rollers
10/20/2024 Everything in Excess
10/26/2024 Lisa Grosser and Axl
10/26/2024 ZAPPATTACK
10/27/2024 Dale Avick and Dash
11/1/2024 Tessa and Pickles
11/1/2024 Jessica edgerly and Frog the dog
11/9/2024 Frey Frey and the Cray Cray
11/9/2024 Dave Castle and Rieger (i.e. Team J. Rieger)
11/9/2024 Covert Mission
11/9/2024 Tortoise and the Hare
11/9/2024 Flyin Tigers
11/9/2024 Mill Pond Kennel's Reign of Hope
11/16/2024 Big PHarma
11/23/2024 Dad and Bougie
12/15/2024 Caper the Friendly Ghost
12/28/2024 Happy Hour’s Midnight Moonshine
12/31/2024 Team Hot and Spicy