Time Warp Level One

Earned On Team Name
6/27/2015 chris knapp and jack
10/3/2015 Gary Duke and Spice
9/24/2016 Team Rocky Top
2/26/2017 Action Jackson
3/18/2017 Jason Rigler and Business
3/18/2017 I've got Dibs
4/9/2017 Mercedes and Raven
4/9/2017 Ty Fox and Chaos Theory "Ruthless"
4/9/2017 Tony Kelso and Hardy
4/16/2017 Team Knock Knock
4/30/2017 Jared ivanac and Night fury
5/26/2017 Alicia Lund and Buck
7/1/2017 team Freakstylers
7/1/2017 Linda Angers and Decibel
9/2/2017 MalinAussie
9/15/2017 Jason Rigler and Business
12/2/2017 Leap'n Legacy
12/23/2017 Kaimen Miller and Banshee
3/18/2018 Sweetness
3/18/2018 Team Crash (FDDA)
3/18/2018 Unleash The Spazzzzz
4/28/2018 Shut up Mimsy
5/26/2018 Sorry, Not Sorry
6/2/2018 Kaja Różańska and Shadow
6/3/2018 O'My! Fire In The Hole!
6/6/2018 My 80's Remix - Kat and Remix
6/23/2018 Bob Hegyi and MacKenzie
6/24/2018 Kaja Różańska and Shadow
6/25/2018 Team Killian
7/2/2018 Team Zorro
7/15/2018 Bertie Turdy
7/20/2018 Steve Gannon and Penny
9/15/2018 Game Changer
9/16/2018 The Squeaky Bark Team
11/18/2018 Gary Duke and Spice
12/22/2018 Bob Hegyi and MacKenzie
1/1/2019 Ron Watson and Oahu McNab
3/23/2019 Superpoof
4/7/2019 Talk Herdy To Me
4/7/2019 Sorcerer's Apprentice
4/28/2019 Jarosław Kęsicki and Rocky
5/5/2019 Epically Baussome
6/22/2019 Justyna Przepióra and Kiri
6/22/2019 Katarzyna Kamińska and Feniks
6/23/2019 Bazinga!
7/4/2019 The Brew Crew Rusty
7/6/2019 KaibaCorp
7/6/2019 O'My! Fire In The Hole!
7/21/2019 Deanna Jones and Wicked Wylee
7/21/2019 Disc Game Is Wrigged
7/28/2019 Bentley Cy’s Fun
8/11/2019 Feelin' the Buzz
8/11/2019 Betty Spaghetti
8/17/2019 Bertie Turdy
8/31/2019 Mavis Mayhem
9/15/2019 Amelia Makówka and Nuvi
9/15/2019 Oliwia Pieczewska and Milo
9/22/2019 Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep
9/28/2019 Ruby On Rails
11/3/2019 Jordan and Jamaica
11/16/2019 Disc’s Never Going Out Of STYLE
11/17/2019 Team Total Mayhem
11/23/2019 Pointy Ears
11/30/2019 Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn)
12/11/2019 Gary Duke and Phame
12/15/2019 Tyler and Epic
12/15/2019 Jordan and Echo
1/19/2020 Twilight Goddess
2/22/2020 Disc Game Is Wrigged
2/29/2020 Sprocket The Rocket
6/13/2020 Todd Queen and Tanner
6/14/2020 Hell hath no Fury
6/14/2020 Deanna Jones and Wicked Wylee
6/21/2020 The Brew Crew Griffin
6/28/2020 Kelly and Meat
7/18/2020 Team Space Wolf
7/19/2020 The Brew Crew Rusty
7/25/2020 Super D'Uber
7/28/2020 Paige Hollinger and FIFA
7/30/2020 Destruction & Doom
7/31/2020 Play a Round of Cricket
8/16/2020 Krzysztof Niedolistek and Lena
8/16/2020 Lidia Krysztofiak and Ginger
8/18/2020 CJ and Jilleroo
8/23/2020 Tim Pieplow and Maisey
8/28/2020 Ice Ice Baby
8/29/2020 A New Dawn
9/20/2020 The Thrill Of The Chase
9/20/2020 Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn)
9/20/2020 High Flyin' Hoopla
9/20/2020 Loud and Proud
9/20/2020 Dorota Dyrkacz and Cya
9/20/2020 Amelia Lęgowicz and Wini
9/27/2020 Herb Brown and Willa
10/4/2020 The Brew Crew Griffin
10/4/2020 Fry off the Handle
10/7/2020 Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn)
10/7/2020 Dale McElrath and Volt
10/8/2020 Jack Fahle and Spice
10/8/2020 The Flying Squirrel
10/8/2020 Call Me Mavie
10/15/2020 Do Ya Feel Lucky, Punk?
10/25/2020 Flying Guppy
10/25/2020 Disc Game Is Wrigged
11/8/2020 Raise 'em up - Allie & Pat
11/22/2020 Stefanie Theis and Rikki Tikki Tavi
11/28/2020 Allison Marsh and Phame
11/28/2020 Watch Your Junk - Allison and Sweep
12/19/2020 #LifeWithRivet
12/19/2020 David King and Zoey
12/20/2020 Gary Duke and Whiplash
12/26/2020 Francis Tse and Surge
3/21/2021 Just Throw It! (I'll do the rest)
3/28/2021 Disc Game Is Wrigged
3/30/2021 Hyena Matata
4/1/2021 Ron Watson and Lana'i McNab
4/1/2021 Jordan and Roary
4/3/2021 Anja Evans and Kili
4/18/2021 Team Space Wolf
5/27/2021 Anja Evans and Kili
5/27/2021 ZZ Tyler and Chill
6/1/2021 The Squeaky Bark Team
6/2/2021 Awesome Possum
6/3/2021 Levi and Jamaica
6/3/2021 Levi and Jamaica
6/3/2021 Born to Fry
6/3/2021 Sara Brueske and Zip Tie
6/4/2021 Fly by Night
6/5/2021 Team Space Wolf
6/12/2021 Abigail Reynolds and Kaiba
6/19/2021 Skip’n Tric
6/26/2021 Piotr Antonów and Roma
7/3/2021 Loud and Proud
7/3/2021 Team Lynn and Disc Jockey
7/3/2021 Madi & POPtart (DDOGH)
7/17/2021 Margaret and Dante
7/24/2021 Rick Nielsen and Buck
8/7/2021 Brett Foster and Jasper
8/14/2021 Team Mischief
8/21/2021 The Legend of Billie Jean
8/22/2021 Flying WonkyHead
9/19/2021 Flying Guppy
9/22/2021 Abigail Reynolds and Kaiba
9/25/2021 Oliwia Pieczewska and Kayden
9/25/2021 Patrycja Hermińska and Puma
9/28/2021 Action Jackson
9/30/2021 Jack Fahle and Phame
10/2/2021 Allison Marsh and Trix
10/2/2021 Bentley Cy’s Fun
10/2/2021 Flying Guppy
10/9/2021 Brad and Nseine Motorhead
10/10/2021 The Legend of Billie Jean
10/10/2021 Corey + Anya
10/24/2021 Just Throw It! (I'll do the rest)
11/4/2021 Checkmate
12/19/2021 Jennifer Brown and Phame
12/19/2021 Gary Duke and Phierce
2/19/2022 Team Mini But Mighty
2/19/2022 Team Limitless & CraZi
3/6/2022 Psycho whippet
3/6/2022 Team Zombie Apocalypse
3/8/2022 ZZ Jordan and Chill
3/20/2022 ZZ Levi and Seri
3/20/2022 Blake and Dancy Paws
3/20/2022 Blake and Splish Splash
3/22/2022 Tyler and Epic
3/22/2022 Jordan and Encore
4/9/2022 Dale McElrath and Volt
4/9/2022 Apryl & Obi
4/10/2022 Blake and Tuggy Buggy
5/8/2022 Steven Smith and Pete
5/10/2022 Kiera VandeVenter and Excalibur
5/10/2022 Tyler and Jamaica
5/13/2022 Just Monki Business
5/14/2022 Chompy Otter
5/15/2022 Got Your Six
5/21/2022 Mavis Mayhem
5/28/2022 Chipster The Hipster
6/8/2022 Team Creeper Reaper
6/12/2022 Limp Discit
6/19/2022 Destruction & Doom
6/25/2022 Lucas Montgomery and Fission
7/1/2022 Dale Johnston and Riley
7/1/2022 Flying WonkyHead
7/1/2022 Moves Like Jagger
7/2/2022 Team Kooligan
7/3/2022 Los Malalos
7/3/2022 CJ and Jilleroo
7/9/2022 Something fishy disc way comes
7/12/2022 Kili'n it on the disc field
7/17/2022 Robin Herman and Mac
7/21/2022 Monki See Monkey Do
7/23/2022 Chaotic Energy
7/23/2022 Psycho whippet
7/30/2022 Heidi Pitts and Latt
7/31/2022 Ariel Faeth and Malcolm
8/6/2022 Fry off the Handle
8/16/2022 Happy Idiots
8/21/2022 Team Lynn and Dilly Dilly
9/11/2022 Dixie Dog - DD & JJ
9/11/2022 Alexe & Stitch
9/11/2022 Tania and Ever
9/17/2022 Reckless Disc'cisons
9/24/2022 Jack Fahle and Remix
10/2/2022 Bryce & mozz
10/5/2022 Disc’s Never Going Out Of STYLE
10/11/2022 Team Space Wolf
10/15/2022 Jack Fahle and Remix
10/23/2022 Hope and Monet
10/23/2022 Mary Francis Mangum and Shilo
10/29/2022 Jordyn + Nitro
11/12/2022 Outbreak from the Outback
11/26/2022 You Got Plan Darling?
12/11/2022 Team Tootie Fruitti
12/11/2022 Rafael Alvarado and Kalesi
12/31/2022 Put A Little Hyzer On It!
12/31/2022 Taylor Mundal and Evie
1/1/2023 Chaotic Energy
1/1/2023 High Flyin' Hoopla
1/28/2023 Swish Swish Bish
3/5/2023 Allison Marsh and Porsche
3/5/2023 Magic & Mayhem
3/25/2023 Let It Whip's Symphony No. 1
4/7/2023 Dale Johnston and Riley
4/16/2023 * The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North *
4/16/2023 Paige Hollinger and Sniper
4/30/2023 Call Me Mavie
5/7/2023 Maci Gary and Java
5/20/2023 Ilene Fischman and Micki
5/21/2023 The Super Myst
5/21/2023 Limp Discit
5/21/2023 Gary Duke and Porsche
5/27/2023 Quantum's Voyager Pogo’s Leaping
5/28/2023 Team Around the Sun
6/3/2023 Psycho Suzi
6/4/2023 Kasia Wąsiewicz and Nejw
6/17/2023 Monki See Monkey Do
6/19/2023 Somethin’s Bruin
6/19/2023 Somethin’s Bruin
7/2/2023 Mark Ambuhl and Zip
7/2/2023 Stinger Laser Guided Missile
7/2/2023 Poodellie Awesome
7/2/2023 Ilene Fischman and Micki
7/2/2023 Birgit Locklear and Luna Skye
7/2/2023 Birgit Locklear and Pyro
7/3/2023 Queen of Spades
7/5/2023 Team Blue Dog
7/6/2023 Bite Me
7/7/2023 Hope and Tato
7/7/2023 Slipped Discs
7/8/2023 Heart of Fire
7/8/2023 O’Kay Tesla
7/8/2023 Holly Davis and Yato
7/8/2023 Tart Me Up
7/14/2023 Team Dennis and Dilly Dilly
7/14/2023 Team Torpedo Ki
7/16/2023 Lucas Montgomery and Fission
7/16/2023 Limp Discit
7/22/2023 Lucy Meyo and Bowie
7/31/2023 Somethin’s Bruin
8/5/2023 Rockie Roadie
8/5/2023 Jeffrey Johnson and Ziggy Whitney
8/6/2023 Eliza Domagalska and Ashi
8/13/2023 Malone Madness
8/18/2023 Ice Ice baby
8/19/2023 Paulina Pałucka and Edison
8/26/2023 Ariel Faeth and Marvel
8/26/2023 Black Tuxedo Nights
8/27/2023 Moves Like Jagger
8/28/2023 Ed Wandler and Drift
9/3/2023 Deadly Black Mamba
9/3/2023 Wiktoria Moskal and Zoran
9/9/2023 Frisbee Force Kodi
9/10/2023 Just A Little Stalky
9/16/2023 Spoo-Artemis
9/16/2023 Allison Marsh and Porsche
9/24/2023 Ariel Faeth and Malcolm
9/24/2023 Asia Roman and Pastel
9/24/2023 Leonard
9/30/2023 Fly by Night
10/1/2023 Flying Ears
10/1/2023 Andrzej Drożdż and Pastel
10/14/2023 Anja Evans and Kili
10/21/2023 Melanie Smith and Riley
10/21/2023 Birgit Locklear and Pyro
10/21/2023 Lauren Mackenzie and Rexa
10/22/2023 LOUD NOISES! - Allison and Remix
10/22/2023 Mavis Mayhem
10/23/2023 Heidi Pitts and Gaige
10/23/2023 Heidi Pitts and Kālle
10/28/2023 Just Monki Business
10/28/2023 Team Limitless & CraZi
10/29/2023 Roxanne Goupil and Béa
10/29/2023 Dale McElrath and On Target's Land Shark (Finn)
10/29/2023 Kanto’s Legendary Canine
10/29/2023 Blake and Splish Splash
10/29/2023 Mac and Tyler
10/29/2023 Somethin’s Bruin
11/5/2023 Zeplyn's Wild Ride
11/5/2023 chris knapp and Macho
12/2/2023 A Mid-Summer Nights Team
12/9/2023 Somethin’s Bruin
12/31/2023 Tammy Giroux and Likki Likki Zink
2/11/2024 Heidi Pitts and Kālle
2/11/2024 Team Pterodactyl
2/11/2024 Allison Marsh and Phierce
2/25/2024 Dog on a String
3/10/2024 Shonna Sale and Reboot
3/23/2024 Steven Smith and Pete
3/24/2024 CJ and Jilleroo
3/24/2024 Jordan Thompson and Newt
3/30/2024 Allison Marsh and Porsche
3/30/2024 Allison Marsh and Porsche
4/2/2024 Call Me Mavie
4/7/2024 Storming the Castle
4/14/2024 Allie Menendez and Zeus
4/14/2024 Hope and Monet
4/14/2024 LOUD NOISES! - Allison and Remix
4/14/2024 Monki See Monkey Do
4/14/2024 Ariel Faeth and Malcolm
4/14/2024 As Seen on TV -ShamWoW!
4/14/2024 Main Characters
4/14/2024 Cheyenne Perlmutter and Navy
4/28/2024 Natalia Stępień and Emi
4/29/2024 Moves Like Jagger
4/29/2024 Sugar and Spice and More Spice
5/1/2024 Levi and Jamaica
5/4/2024 Blake and Splish Splash
5/4/2024 Shadow Doppelgänger
5/4/2024 #RaptorSquad
5/4/2024 Team Hot and Spicy
5/5/2024 Hope and Disco
5/10/2024 Team Kooligan
5/11/2024 Sara Scott and Poptart
5/11/2024 Hot Cross BAUSS
5/12/2024 Inflight’s Songbird
5/15/2024 Levi and Jamaica
5/15/2024 Lisa Mangrich and Duff
5/15/2024 Tyler and Epic
5/17/2024 Mother of Rats
5/18/2024 Achy breaky hearts
5/18/2024 Brittany Rose and Ginny
5/18/2024 Tyler and Roary
5/19/2024 Hope and Disco
5/19/2024 Cube as a Button
5/19/2024 Shining Stars
5/19/2024 Zuzanna Kuszyńska and Ziomek
5/25/2024 Ewa Kowalska and Arjetek
5/25/2024 Dariusz Zenft and Navi
5/26/2024 Sugar and Spice and More Spice
5/26/2024 Team Underdog’s Road Runner
6/2/2024 Ashton Norris and Neville
6/2/2024 Mike Montgomery and Skeeter
6/5/2024 Charly Frenière-Boulianne and Charles
6/8/2024 Zuzanna Kuszyńska and Bejli
6/8/2024 Natalia Penar and Nela
6/8/2024 Tomasz Pajaczek and Fajerka
6/22/2024 Madzia Górska and Merci
6/22/2024 Marta Pęcak and Ayrton
7/4/2024 Team Kooligan
7/7/2024 Skip’n Tric
7/7/2024 Dale Johnston and Riley
7/13/2024 Oh Fiddle Sticks!
7/14/2024 Small Fry
7/16/2024 Paige Hollinger and UEFA
7/27/2024 Super Duper Flying Poopers
7/28/2024 Birdhouse in Your Soul
7/29/2024 Cheyenne Perlmutter and Safari
8/2/2024 Honky Tonks Attitude
8/3/2024 Chip&Taz
8/3/2024 Rock Me Like A Hurricane
8/3/2024 Kinga Jaroszewicz and Anakin
8/13/2024 Patricia Williams and Mavrik
8/14/2024 Ride or Fry
8/18/2024 Possum Power
8/24/2024 Team Space Wolf
8/31/2024 Suzanne and MAO
8/31/2024 Anna Almeida and Newt
9/7/2024 Bonne with the Wind
9/7/2024 Steve Gannon and copper
9/8/2024 Team Dennis and Dilly Dilly
9/22/2024 Outbreak from the Outback
9/22/2024 Velocity Raptor
9/28/2024 Queen of Spades
10/5/2024 Honky Tonks
10/6/2024 Kasia Wąsiewicz and Nejwku
10/12/2024 Stole Mike’s Dog
10/12/2024 R Squared
10/14/2024 Sugar and Spice and More Spice
10/19/2024 Nyx'd Discfunction
10/19/2024 Roni & The Moldy Noodle (Epic)
10/20/2024 The Legend of Billie Jean
10/20/2024 Dale Johnston and Riley
10/20/2024 Melanie Smith and Betty
11/3/2024 The Sterling Sideliners
11/3/2024 Tom's Theory
11/16/2024 Mother of Rats
11/17/2024 John Mccurry and DUCHESS MITHRAL KITIARA
11/30/2024 * The Fantabulous Miss SmallSizeBigThighs from the harsh winters of the North *
11/30/2024 Paige Hollinger and FIFA
12/8/2024 Summer and Chata
12/8/2024 The Reds
12/14/2024 Heidi Pitts and Kālle
12/14/2024 Everything in Excess
12/15/2024 Team Loner Toner
12/28/2024 Roadie Warriors
12/31/2024 Rodent Roundup
12/31/2024 Mother of Rats