Vickie DuRoss and June

UTN: T17047210

Total Points - 15.00

Check UPDIF 2024 Qualification
1/1/2023 through 12/31/2023


Competitor Name Competitor Type UpDog Competitor Number
June Canine C17341219
Vickie DuRoss Human C17340213

Team Achievements

Bite Club 2022 Participant
Bite Club 2022 Spring Participant



Pairs Throw N Go

Four Way Play

Four Way Play Level One

Cumulative Points: 4.00
Last Played On: 5/21/2022
Rank: 11552 out of 12469
Personal Best: 4.00
No Achievements Earned Yet

Pairs Four Way Play

Spaced Out



Time Warp

Time Warp Level One

Cumulative Points: 5.00
Last Played On: 5/21/2022
Rank: 9613 out of 10022
Personal Best: 5.00
No Achievements Earned Yet

Throw N Go

Throw N Go Level One

Cumulative Points: 6.00
Last Played On: 9/12/2021
Rank: 14250 out of 15618
Personal Best: 6.00
No Achievements Earned Yet

Seven Up


Far Out



Event Name Date Total Points Percentile Rank
Ballground, GA, US - Bite Club - Happy Disc Doggers 5/21/2022 5.00
   Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 0.00
   Time Warp Level One - Round 1 5.00
Ballground, GA, US - Triple Crown 9/12/2021 6.00
   Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 0.00
   Throw N Go Level One - Round 1 6.00
Ballground, GA, US - Bite Club 5/26/2021 4.00
   Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 4.00
   Four Way Play Level One - Round 2 0.00