UTN: T24045225

Total Points - 278.00

Check UPDIF 2024 Qualification
1/1/2023 through 12/31/2023


Competitor Name Competitor Type UpDog Competitor Number
Caitlin Zilla Human C21265220
Clue Canine C21266224
Meagan Miller Human C22212221

Team Achievements



Pairs Throw N Go

Pairs Throw N Go Level One

Cumulative Points: 164.00
Last Played On: 5/26/2024
Rank: 29 out of 1716
Personal Best: 59.00
Low Five x 3
High Five x 1
Bronze UP x 1

Four Way Play

Pairs Four Way Play

Pairs Four Way Play Level One

Cumulative Points: 114.00
Last Played On: 7/22/2023
Rank: 47 out of 1720
Personal Best: 36.00
Double Quad x 2
Triple Quad x 2
Bronze UP x 1
Silver UP x 1

Spaced Out



Time Warp

Throw N Go

Seven Up


Far Out



Event Name Date Total Points Percentile Rank
Seville, OH, US 5/26/2024 39.00
   Pairs Throw N Go Level One - Round 1 39.00 87.30%
Seville, OH, US 7/22/2023 36.00
   Pairs Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 36.00 95.90%
Granville, OH, US 5/28/2023 36.00
   Pairs Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 36.00 95.90%
Granville, OH, US 5/27/2023 34.00
   Pairs Throw N Go Level One - Round 1 34.00 78.20%
Helen, GA, US - Pairs and LCQ 4/26/2023 79.00
   Pairs Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 20.00 55.90%
   Pairs Throw N Go Level One - Round 1 59.00 99.50%
Seville, OH, US 10/29/2022 54.00
   Pairs Four Way Play Level One - Round 1 22.00 64.70%
   Pairs Throw N Go Level One - Round 1 32.00 74.10%