
UTN: T4937170

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Competitor Name Competitor Type UpDog Competitor Number
Bazooka Canine C5606175
Matt Bilderback Human C5605174


Event Name Date
Dublin, OH, US 5/12/2019
Dublin, OH, US 5/11/2019
Dublin, OH, US 9/30/2018
Kirtland, OH, US 6/10/2018
Carmel, IN, US 5/20/2018
Dublin, OH, US 5/13/2018
Dublin, OH, US 5/12/2018
UPDIF 2018 Day Four, Helen, GA, US 3/18/2018
UPDIF 2018 Day Two, Helen, GA, US 3/16/2018
Last Chance Qualifier - UPDIF 2018, Helen, GA, US 3/15/2018
Hilliard, OH, US 8/19/2017
Dublin, OH, US 5/14/2017
Dublin, OH, US 5/13/2017
West Mansfield, OH, US 11/6/2016
Mansfield, OH, US 8/19/2016
Dublin, OH, US 5/9/2015